All posts by Miss Lawson

Activity Ideas

Good morning everybody,

We hope you’ve had a lovely Easter holiday and found plenty to do at home.  We’ve missed seeing you in nursery, please keep sharing your photos with us on Twitter or comment on our blog posts.

Below are some more ideas for learning at home.

Literacy and English

  • In the garden, use a paint brush and a bowl of water to practise mark-making skills.  You could paint lines, shapes, pictures, numbers, letters or words.
  • Make up a silly story about a naughty spider.  What have they been getting upto?  You could tell your story, draw it or ask someone to write the words for you.
  • Keep practising writing your name.  Remember the first letter needs to be a capital letter and is bigger than the other letters.  Do you have a middle name? Try that too!

Numeracy and Mathematics

  • Sing ‘Five Little Ducks’ and use 5 toys to be the ducks.  Each time a duck swims away, take a toy away.  Notice how there are fewer ducks.
  • Talk to your grown up about the number 0.  What does this number mean and what number comes after it? Have a look for this number on phones, calculators and anywhere else you can find it. Practise writing this number. Do you recognise the number 10 or 100.  There are zeros in them!
  • From your bedroom window, count how many trees you can see.  Then try from your front door.  Which view has more?

Health and Wellbeing

  • Choose a song you love and make up a short dance. Teach it to your family and maybe share with us on Twitter!
  • On the Earthwatch Europe Facebook page, there are ten activity cards sharing ideas for exploring nature using toilet roll tubes.  An example is shared below:

We hope these ideas are helpful and that you have lots of fun learning at home.