Tag Archives: Talking and Listening

Silly Billy

As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, key words and main ideas of the text, and use this information for a specific purpose. LIT 1-04a

To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 1-01a

I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am learning ways of managing them. HWB 1-02a 

I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances.  HWB 1-03a 

We read the book Silly Billy about a boy who worried about everything. His grandma told Billy about making a worry doll. He could then tell the worry doll all of his worries.

We explored some of the things we worry about and we all made worry dolls that we could tell our worries to. We also discussed who else we could tell our worries to and in class we made sure we all knew how to use our worry box. Let’s hope we don’t have any more worries.

The Festival of Sukkot and Harvest

I am developing an awareness of the ways in which followers of  world religions celebrate different times of year and can relate these to my own life and community. RME 1-06b

We have been learning about the Christian festival of Harvest and also the Jewish festival of Sukkot. We made our own Sukkahs.

Jewish people like to thank God for looking after them.

Sukkot is celebrated in the Autumn, it is similar to the Christian festival of Harvest.

It is a time to remember the time the Jewish people spent in the wilderness, being lead by Moses, when they escaped from Egypt.

To remember and celebrate Sukkot, Jews build a sukkah.

A sukkah is a special hut with a wooden frame. The roof is made from branches and leaves because the stars can still be seen through them.

It is nicely decorated with candles and fruit. People like to hang fruits from the roof and hang pictures and decorations on the walls.

During the Sukkot celebrations Jews like to spend as much time as they can in their sukkah. They will eat, sing, tell stories and even sleep in their Sukkah.



For STEM week Primary 2.2 were set a challenge of designing and building a tower that birds could sit their nests on. We started off by thinking of lots of different designs and looking at some photographs of strong structures. Then we discussed which designs we thought would work the best and why. After that we worked in teams to have a go at building some of the models. 

‘The top of our tower was perfect for a nest because it was a long rectangle. Our group used Megan’s idea which looked like a house. We tried to build the roof but it was too tricky because it kept collapsing. Next time I would add things on the side to help make it more secure.’ Hamish


‘Ours went quite well but some parts were hard. Everyone had good moments and bad moments. Our good moment was at the start when we built the base of the tower. Our bad moment was at the end when the top started falling but we managed to fix it.’ Leo

‘My group chose Callen’s idea but it didn’t really turn out anything like it. We added extra bits and we added on a base instead. Then we added on some flags.  I liked it because it was very sturdy.’  Annabelle

‘We were trying to make the Eiffel tower. We couldn’t make the cuboid at the top because the straws weren’t the same length so we couldn’t adjust it and the top was too heavy for the rest of the structure. The base was the right size so it worked well.’ Isla 

‘Our groups was a bit small so I think the giraffes would have been able to reach it. Next time I would make a cuboid shape to help make it a bit stronger and taller.’ Melody


Afterwards we discussed what other materials we could have used to build our towers. The next day we decided to try again using a new idea, marshmallows and spaghetti. This took cooperation and lots of patience. These models were a little bit messier but far tastier!

‘We started with big marshmallows but they kept falling down because they were too heavy. Then we got some wee marshmallows which were lighter. We put the big ones at the bottom to make it steady and we used the small ones at the top.’ Kobe


Reading for enjoyment in Primary 2

Primary 2 were very excited to have a visit from local author and illustrator Graeme Watson. We looked at two of his stories before having a go at drawing some of the characters. The wicked witch Fredina Freakly was quite tricky to draw but we had some fabulous results!

‘It was so funny listening to his stories.’ Megan

‘We read a book about a witch and a cat. The cat drank some of the potion and kept changing into different animals. We had a go at making our own funny animal.’ Melody

‘Every time the cat burped it turned into a different thing.’ Isla

‘We drew a witch and a cat. My witch had a very long lip.’ Indi


STEM week

Sean and Rachel from Atkins told us a little about being engineers. They challenged us to make a boat that floats using just straws, tape and tin foil!
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Amy and Bella P1.3 Melody P1.3

Ailsa and Annabelle P1.3

Charlie and Thomas P1.3

Callen and Rebecca P1.3

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Jamie Robertson P1.3 and Bradley P1.2

Mr Masters!

Isla and Paige P1.2 Lewis and Leo P1.2

Murray P1.3 tried using different materials…

Oliver P1.3 and Aaron P1.2
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Thomas P1.3 testing his design

We learned that hot air rises. John from Think Science taught us about static electricity John blew hot air into the bag with a hairdryer and we watched what happened next…
He made a hot air balloon John even lay on a bed of nails

Jobs, jobs, jobs!

Primary 1 are having lots of visitors to explain the variety of jobs they do and why they enjoy their career.

We learned about different sports from a PE teacher ;hockey, rugby, badminton, basketball, netball. We practised a side pass for rugby.
Annabelle modelled how to pass the baton without dropping it. We didn’t drop the baton or the rugby ball!
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Fair Trade and Five Senses

Aaron using his sense of taste to identify different foodstuffs….sour jellies and sweet Fair Trade banana

Callum was up for the challenge to his taste buds…..sweet chocolate and sour lemon juice…

Callen tried sweet, sour and ice cold! Paige used her sense of smell, taste and touch to identify apple, salt and vinegar crisps.
Jacob and Thomas making Fair Trade smoothies. Hamish deciding on ingredients and measuring amounts.
P1 used  a variety of berries, avocado, banana and fruit juices or milk/yoghurt to make super smoothies. Cheers!
P1 investigated a box of smells…from roses to coffee and lavender to cinnamon…we had to guess what the smell was!  



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The dinosaurs are coming to Eaglesham…

Rebecca” This is Rosasaurus” Amy”My dinosaur was so strong it could push down a tree”

Tilly” My donosaur is a T Rex face”

Isla painting her model dinosaur

Logan ” My dinosaur was made of plasticene”.

Bradley”He is a TRex” and he is a meat eater”

Aidan” It is a omnivore” Innes”My dinosaur is a T Rex what can bite other dinosaurs skin”. Callen” My dinosaur is a diplodocus and has a really long neck”
Top Left Text Here Alex” My dinosaur is an omnivore and the grown up ones are as big as the school”.

Lewis”My ine got big legs”

Murray ” My dinosaur was a meat eater”

Annabelle” My dinosaur is a herbivore”

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Book Week Scotland


Alice preparing an invitation letter for parents and families

Scott shows everyone the Book Week Scotland book bag
Scott read some ‘silly poems’, fun stories and told us about the library.

Everyone got a gift bag with 3 new books, games and activities.

After school the grown ups came in to read with us and look at all the activities we have been doing. We had chats about books

Simon shows his gran and big sister the new books

We got to choose different toppings and sauces for ice cream just like the characters in ‘ Gorilla Loves Vanilla’
The grown ups helping us choose toppings for ice creams. Yummy! Scott read ‘Shark in the Park’ on a Windy Day

Decorating our ice cream art with ‘sprinkles’
Ice Cream art.
Primary 1 have been gifted with 3 fabulous new books;

Gorilla Loves Vanilla

Little Owl’s Egg

The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee

We will be voting to find out which book is most popular!

book Week Flyer
Book Week Scotland Survey 2017 P1 And the winner is…
Millie and Tilly listen to stories with mum. Rebecca and Melody read in the library area with mum.

Callen and her mum explore ‘The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee’

Yippee! We celebrate at the gifting session at Eaglesham Library
A fantastic display of work! Zoe shares her choices of toppings

More seats needed in the library!

Smiles all around…