
We went on a number hunt at home and around the school and discovered that numbers are all around us.










Martha- “The numbers on the cupboard tells the ladies what cupboard it is. The numbers on the door let you know what class your in and so you know your age”.

Alice- “The numbers help you find your class.”

Samuel- “Numbers tell you what time it is”.

Thomas P- “You use numbers to score and if you don’t score you stay at 0”.

Anabelle- “The numbers tell people its their classroom.”



We are learning about patterns creating our own and continuing a pattern.


“Colours make patterns.” Adam (Red P.M)


“Butterflies have patterns.” Olivia (Red A.M)


“I have a stripy pattern on my top.” Paul (Red A.M)

We had great fun making patterns in the shaving foam.


“Stripy pattern.” Callum (Red A.M)


“Squiggly pattern and a rounded pattern.” Molly (Red A.M)

We even found patterns at home. The children brought patterns in from home.

“I found lots of patterns at home, checked, big spotty and small spotty.” William (Red P.M)


“I made a pattern and found Christmas tree patterns, a semi circle one and a animal one.” Hamish (Red A.M)


We are developing the awareness of money.

“Mummy uses money to buy carrots, chicken nuggets and broccoli.”  Isla (Green A.M)

“If you go to shops you have to pay the shop money. Money is made of metal.” Ramona (Green A.M)

“You need money to pay if you don’t you will go to jail.” Rebecca (Blue A.M)

“Daddy has money in his pocket.” Chloe (Green A.M)

“You get money from the bank.” Ailsa (Blue A.M)

We went a trip to our local shops.


We had to get money to buy our messages.

Then we had to find the right shop! Is this where we buy fruit and vegetables for our soup and fruit/vegetable kebabs?


The children helped find the ingredients we needed from our shopping lists that we had done in nursery.


We all had pennies to pay.




When we came back from the shops we made homemade soup and vegetable kebabs.

We had real money in our role play shop. We were learning about different pennies and played a matching game.


It was tricky to match the coins.


We made coin rubbings.



Mrs Johnston-Smith says, well done!

Wow! I have loved reading about your adventures in Muddy Land. I can see numeracy, literacy and even singing skills in this fabulous place. What a lot of learning going on outside!

Great work using the BeeBots too! You are able to program a toy using directional language, what a fantastic skill to be learning at nursery. I think you should come along to P1 and show them what you have been learning, I am very impressed.

Happy New Year!