Fairy tales with a twist

In Literacy we had a go at writing our own fairy tales. Before we started, we read the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. We worked together to think of ways that we could rewrite the story of the three little pigs but with a twist. We thought that we might change the characters, the setting or even the weather in the story. After we had thought of some different ideas, we worked in pairs to plan our story and to think of some adjectives to describe the characters. Then we had a go at writing our new version. Afterwards, we worked in small groups to share our stories and to check that we had met our success criteria. We loved reading our stories aloud and getting feedback from our friends.

‘We walked around the room and when Miss Watson shouted stop we had to find a partner and share some of our ideas.’  Isla C

‘You want to write a fairy tale that you like and that other people like. You can do a mixed up story using ideas of what other people like.’  Leo

‘We thought about other stories people liked and then mixed it up a bit.’  Remi

‘We changed the characters like the three little pigs were bad. We changed the big bad wolf into a good wolf.’  Carrie

‘We used a word mat to help us think of ideas for our fairy tale and so that we could look at it and add any words when writing our fairy tales.’  Melody

‘We made sure that we had finger spaces, full stops and capital letters.’  Megan

‘We use punctuation in our fairy tale.’  Bella

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