Tag Archives: LITERACY

Silly Billy

As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, key words and main ideas of the text, and use this information for a specific purpose. LIT 1-04a

To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 1-01a

I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am learning ways of managing them. HWB 1-02a 

I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances.  HWB 1-03a 

We read the book Silly Billy about a boy who worried about everything. His grandma told Billy about making a worry doll. He could then tell the worry doll all of his worries.

We explored some of the things we worry about and we all made worry dolls that we could tell our worries to. We also discussed who else we could tell our worries to and in class we made sure we all knew how to use our worry box. Let’s hope we don’t have any more worries.


We have now been in Primary 3 for 2 weeks and have all settled in nicely. We have started reading Flat Stanley, and so far we  found out he got flattened by a bulletin board. He’s enjoying being flat because he can slide under doors and because he was flat he fitted through a grating to fetch his mother’s ring that had fallen down the drain.  He was also able to visit relatives in California as he got posted there in an envelope.

We made outfits for our own Flat Stanley to wear to California.

In maths, we have been learning to measure in metres and we are going to be measuring in centimetres too. We all measured our height and compared ourselves to the height of Flat Stanley who is 122cm tall.

These are some of the things we have enjoyed so far –

Melody – Learning about Flat Stanley.

Hamish – Not having homework.

Callen – Learning about Flat Stanley and painting our rocks.

Megan – I enjoyed reading.

Remi – Reading Flat Stanley and doing Brain Buzz.


Primary 2 have been learning all about Space. We learned some facts about each of the planets and tried to come up with different ways to remember the order of the planets. After that we learned that the Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun and this is why we have day and night. We took a visit to the Glasgow Science Centre and thoroughly enjoyed exploring the Planetarium. During ICT we have been creating our own space PowerPoints and lots of us have been sharing our learning at home! In Art we learned all about Peter Thorpe’s abstract space art and we decided to create some of our own. In Literacy we researched Neil Armstrong and wrote a newspaper article about the moon landing.

We were creating space pictures. We looked at pictures of Peter Thorpe’s artwork and then we used pastels to create our own. Ben

We were learning about abstract art. We used bold colours like black and red together. We thought about hot and cold colours. This helped us to add more detail.

We got a space book to look for planet words. We put the words on cards and used them to spell the planet words. Archie

The Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun. It takes 365 days for the Earth to revolve around the Sun. Megan

It takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate. If we are facing the Sun then we get light and it is day. If we are facing away from the Sun then it is night. Melody

We went outside and we had to find a partner and one of us had to be the Earth and the other person was the Sun. We had to rotate and revolve around the Sun. If Miss Watson shouted daytime we had to face our partner (the Sun) and if she shouted nighttime then we had to face the other way. Callen


Reading for enjoyment in Primary 2

Primary 2 were very excited to have a visit from local author and illustrator Graeme Watson. We looked at two of his stories before having a go at drawing some of the characters. The wicked witch Fredina Freakly was quite tricky to draw but we had some fabulous results!

‘It was so funny listening to his stories.’ Megan

‘We read a book about a witch and a cat. The cat drank some of the potion and kept changing into different animals. We had a go at making our own funny animal.’ Melody

‘Every time the cat burped it turned into a different thing.’ Isla

‘We drew a witch and a cat. My witch had a very long lip.’ Indi


Fairy tales with a twist

In Literacy we had a go at writing our own fairy tales. Before we started, we read the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. We worked together to think of ways that we could rewrite the story of the three little pigs but with a twist. We thought that we might change the characters, the setting or even the weather in the story. After we had thought of some different ideas, we worked in pairs to plan our story and to think of some adjectives to describe the characters. Then we had a go at writing our new version. Afterwards, we worked in small groups to share our stories and to check that we had met our success criteria. We loved reading our stories aloud and getting feedback from our friends.

‘We walked around the room and when Miss Watson shouted stop we had to find a partner and share some of our ideas.’  Isla C

‘You want to write a fairy tale that you like and that other people like. You can do a mixed up story using ideas of what other people like.’  Leo

‘We thought about other stories people liked and then mixed it up a bit.’  Remi

‘We changed the characters like the three little pigs were bad. We changed the big bad wolf into a good wolf.’  Carrie

‘We used a word mat to help us think of ideas for our fairy tale and so that we could look at it and add any words when writing our fairy tales.’  Melody

‘We made sure that we had finger spaces, full stops and capital letters.’  Megan

‘We use punctuation in our fairy tale.’  Bella

Book Week Scotland


Alice preparing an invitation letter for parents and families

Scott shows everyone the Book Week Scotland book bag
Scott read some ‘silly poems’, fun stories and told us about the library.

Everyone got a gift bag with 3 new books, games and activities.

After school the grown ups came in to read with us and look at all the activities we have been doing. We had chats about books

Simon shows his gran and big sister the new books

We got to choose different toppings and sauces for ice cream just like the characters in ‘ Gorilla Loves Vanilla’
The grown ups helping us choose toppings for ice creams. Yummy! Scott read ‘Shark in the Park’ on a Windy Day

Decorating our ice cream art with ‘sprinkles’
Ice Cream art.
Primary 1 have been gifted with 3 fabulous new books;

Gorilla Loves Vanilla

Little Owl’s Egg

The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee

We will be voting to find out which book is most popular!

book Week Flyer
Book Week Scotland Survey 2017 P1 And the winner is…
Millie and Tilly listen to stories with mum. Rebecca and Melody read in the library area with mum.

Callen and her mum explore ‘The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee’

Yippee! We celebrate at the gifting session at Eaglesham Library
A fantastic display of work! Zoe shares her choices of toppings

More seats needed in the library!

Smiles all around…