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Book Week Scotland


Alice preparing an invitation letter for parents and families

Scott shows everyone the Book Week Scotland book bag
Scott read some ‘silly poems’, fun stories and told us about the library.

Everyone got a gift bag with 3 new books, games and activities.

After school the grown ups came in to read with us and look at all the activities we have been doing. We had chats about books

Simon shows his gran and big sister the new books

We got to choose different toppings and sauces for ice cream just like the characters in ‘ Gorilla Loves Vanilla’
The grown ups helping us choose toppings for ice creams. Yummy! Scott read ‘Shark in the Park’ on a Windy Day

Decorating our ice cream art with ‘sprinkles’
Ice Cream art.
Primary 1 have been gifted with 3 fabulous new books;

Gorilla Loves Vanilla

Little Owl’s Egg

The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee

We will be voting to find out which book is most popular!

book Week Flyer
Book Week Scotland Survey 2017 P1 And the winner is…
Millie and Tilly listen to stories with mum. Rebecca and Melody read in the library area with mum.

Callen and her mum explore ‘The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee’

Yippee! We celebrate at the gifting session at Eaglesham Library
A fantastic display of work! Zoe shares her choices of toppings

More seats needed in the library!

Smiles all around…