Outdoor Learning

We will be outside on Monday for some Outdoor Learning. Please provide boots/waterproofs for your child to wear. Some children have already brought in boots/waterproofs and they are in the class. All outdoor boots/waterproofs will be sent home on Monday afternoon to keep at home until the next week.

Kirkhill Primary Meet the Teacher September 2019

Some amazing structures using the Kapla and some of our spelling activities.

Homework Week beginning September 9th

Homework 9th September


I have attached the homework for this week. Homework 2nd Sept

Spelling Menu

Spelling Menu


Different outdoor learning experiences offer opportunities for personal and learning skills development in areas such as communication, problem solving, information technology, working with others and thinking skills. Learning in the outdoors can make significant contributions to literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing. Therefore, outdoor learning offers many opportunities for learners to deepen and contextualise their understanding within curriculum areas, and for linking learning across the curriculum in different contexts and at all levels.

(Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010)

At Kirkhill Primary we strive to provide regular outdoor learning experiences for all our children.  As a school we have a fantastic outdoor space which can be used across the curriculum to develop our children socially, emotionally and academically. During last session we had a super Science Garden added to our fantastic Eco garden and we can’t wait to explore here and other areas of our school grounds!

To allow all pupils to access outdoor learning in the changeable Scottish weather, we would appreciate the children bringing in outdoor clothing (wellies, rain jackets and trousers) on days they will be learning outdoors. Class teachers will let you know via the class blogs the days that these are required so that you can keep them at home on other days.  Also, if you have any spare items which your child is not using any more and you are happy to give these to the school, please put this in a bag with it clearly labelled as spare clothing for the school to allow items to be shared with our families.

Thank you in advance with your support with outdoor learning and please get in touch if you have any questions. This support will allow our children to have a fantastic time learning outdoors come rain or shine!

Outdoor Learning

Different outdoor learning experiences offer opportunities for personal and learning skills development in areas such as communication, problem solving, information technology, working with others and thinking skills. Learning in the outdoors can make significant contributions to literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing. Therefore, outdoor learning offers many opportunities for learners to deepen and contextualise their understanding within curriculum areas, and for linking learning across the curriculum in different contexts and at all levels.

(Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010)


At Kirkhill Primary we strive to provide regular outdoor learning experiences for all of our children.  As a school we have a fantastic outdoor space which can be used across the curriculum to develop our children socially, emotionally and academically. During last session we had a super Science Garden added to our amazing Eco Garden and we can’t wait to explore here and other areas of our school grounds!

To allow all pupils to access outdoor learning in the changeable Scottish weather, we would like to ask if pupils could please bring in a named bag with old wellies, trousers (waterproof if possible but other old trousers if not) and a rain jacket.  Please do not buy any new items!  If you do not have any of these items which could be left in school throughout term time, please send a note to your child’s teacher and we will organise this for you.  If you could please ensure that all items of clothing and wellies have your child’s name and class clearly marked, that would be fantastic.  Also, if you have any spare items which your child is not using any more and you are happy to give these to the school, please put this in a bag with it clearly labelled as spare clothing for the school to allow items to be shared with our families.

Thank you in advance with your support with outdoor learning and please get in touch if you have any questions. This support will allow our children to have a fantastic time learning outdoors come rain or shine!

Homework Week beginning 26-8-19

Welcome to Primary 2A.  It is lovely to see everyone back after the Summer holidays and to welcome some new boys and girls to the class.  I hope you and your family all had a wonderful time.

The homework will be uploaded on a Monday. If you have any problems accessing it please let me know.  P2a Homework Task Sheet (Draft) (002)

Symmetrical Pictures

We have been making symmetrical pictures outdoors with natural objects and indoors with loose parts.

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