Easter Crafts

P5b have made some lovely Easter baskets to bring home today.

Optional Homework :)

Due to the holiday weekend and our show performances we have no homework for the next 2 weeks 🙂

However, for those keen beans out there here is an (optional) exciting task that can be completed if you wish!

Food and Drink Federation (FDF) Scotland are delighted to work with Brakes Scotland to launch the 2019 Braw Lunch Brake Challenge with partners, Royal Highland Education Trust, ASSIST FM, Education Scotland, Skills Development Scotland and Developing Young Workforce.

This competition is open to all P5, 6 and 7 pupils across Scotland.  FDF are looking for the industry stars of the future.

Your Task

We would like pupils to develop an innovative, healthy dish that includes local Scottish produce that would appeal to them and their fellow pupils? 

The winning entrant from each stage will then be asked to prepare their healthy dish and serve it to the Leadership Team on Wednesday 8 May 2019.  The winning dish will then be submitted to the national competition.

Why are we participating in this competition?

By participating in this activity food education in school will be enhanced through:

  • Encouraging greater understanding of the food chain from field to fork and sea to plate
  • Supporting educated food choices
  • Developing an understanding of the real world of work and how businesses operate and the skills required by employers

And it may spark an interest for their future career.

For further information, please click on the link below


What happens once the winning entry from Kirkhill Primary has been decided?

Friday 10th May
Initial dish ideas from each team/school to be submitted. A team of judges from the partner organisations will then select ‘the best 6’ healthy dish ideas to go onto a grand final at City of Glasgow College.

Friday 17th May

Schools will be contacted no later than Friday 17th May on whether they have made the final.

Thursday 6th June 2019
It’s finals day! Shortlisted teams will be asked to:

  • Prepare a presentation (no more than 5 minutes) to present to an audience of dragons and other pupils from the other shortlisted schools.
  • Recreate their dish in the professional kitchens with help from City of Glasgow College hospitality students and lecturers.
  • Take part in a tour of the college facilities
  • Hear the partner organisations discuss careers and job/ work opportunities in the food and drinks industry.

Diversity Day


This is a little sneak peek at the  gym hall set up for Diversity Week.

P5b can’t wait for their turn tomorrow to see what’s going on.

We have heard that there are crafts to make and food from all around the world to sample. Luca from P5a made some delicious sweetcorn and coconut cake.

Thank you to Imogen’s mum and Abigail’s mum (P7a) for allowing us to take this lovely picture of them.  We will find out all about their little friend tomorrow.

K’Nex Challenge

Last week we participated in the East Renfreshire K’Nex Challenge. We had to build a bridge using K’Nex but it had to meet the following criteria:

  •      Be at least 19cm high (the height of a grey K’Nex rod)
  • ï‚· Be at least 30cm long (the length of a standard ruler)
  • ï‚· Have a strong robust structure to stand on its own.
  • ï‚· Be able to support the weight of a small bottle of water.
  • ï‚· Be able to open to allow tall river vessels to pass through safely.

At the end we had a secret vote to choose which one we thought met the specifications best. We chose Sean and Gordon’s – well done boys! They will now go forward to the next heat where they will compete with children from other schools. Good Luck 🙂

Here are the final three designs:

This was Shekina’s and Sophie’s, it made it to the final three!




Euan and Ryaan’s was a very close second!

* This was the winning bridge by Gordon and Sean *

Science Projects

The children have been presenting their science projects this morning. There have been posters, models and powerpoints of modes of transport that people may use in the future.

Very impressive work indeed! Well done P5b!


Charity Donation

After our Christmas Market we decided we would like to donate some of our profits to a charity. We had a vote and we decided on the Make A Wish Foundation. We were delighted to receive this certificate in the post today 🙂

Fantastic Friday Fun!

The children love choosing what to do for Friday Fun.

Here we have…

Miss Love teaching Sarah, Isabella and Beth and Miss Brand, the office manager passing on a message

Euan having fun dressing up Micky

Imogen, Anna, Saffa and Hannah using the foam shapes to make a Beanie Boo house.

Recently the children made keyrings with the resources they bought with our Enterprise money. More fun crafts to come.

Have a lovely weekend!

My blog by Alexis

Alexis brought a globe to school to show the class where Pakistan is.  She discussed her favourite book ‘I am Malala’.

“I recommend this book to girls because everyone should always stand up for their rights”. Alexis

Using our props for some drama

Euan read the ‘Levitate’ spell from his spell book while Dylan pointed his wand at Ryaan’s Wonka chocolate bar.  The plan was for the bar of chocolate to land on Mrs Duffy’s desk!

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