Happy Pancake Day from P6B!

Problem Solving

Last week in Problem Solving we had to follow a set of instructions to change the seating plan in a classroom. We organised the information into priority order and then made sure everyone was sitting where the teacher wanted them to be.  We used our strategies of reason logically and act out the situation to do this.

This week we were challenged to extended these skills by creating our own set of clues for the rest of the class to follow. We worked as individuals or pairs to write down our list of rules and then our friends had use these to work out where to sit. At the end we checked to see if the layout in our jotters and the places our classmates were sitting matched up.


Fairtrade Fortnight

Dear Parent/Carer,

Our Fairtrade Pupil Group members have been working very hard to promote Fairtrade Fortnight which starts on Monday 24 February and finishes on Sunday 8 March 2020.

As preparation for Fairtrade Fortnight the Primary 4 pupil group members conducted a survey to find out which treats children would like to buy at the tuck shop we are planning to run. A subgroup of Primary 5s created posters to advertise the tuck shop around the school. The older members of the pupil group will be giving a speech and showing a PowerPoint to the rest of the school to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The Primary 7 members created a rota for the tuck shop (see below).

We would like to invite children to bring in cash to buy a Fairtrade treat from the tuck shop. We will be offering Geobake chocolate chip cookies, a variety of Divine chocolate bars and Fairtrade Jellybeans. The tuck shop will be running from Monday 2nd March until Friday 6th March. All items are £1.10 so please send your child with the correct amount if possible.

  • Monday 2nd March – Primary 1 and Primary 2
  • Tuesday 3rd March – Primary 3
  • Wednesday 4th March – Primary 4 and Primary 5
  • Thursday 5th March – Primary 6
  • Friday 6th March – Primary 7

Fair Trade Tuck Shop

Yours sincerely,

Fairtrade Pupil Group

2 Week Homework

Look at the task sheet below for this weeks homework.

The children can continue to practice their spelling rules and mental maths at home if they wish.

24.2.20 Homework Task Sheet

24.2.20 Homework Task Sheet

Coding Challenge

Today we took on a live online code breaking challenge!

We had to help an imaginary new pizza shop to check their cyber security.

At the end we used coding to hack into their website to try to get a free pizza coupon!

@DigitalWorldHQ #cyberskillslive #CyberScotWeek2020

Homework 17.2.20

Look at the task sheet below for this week’s homework.


KS2-Spelling-Menu 2 (2)


Homework 03.02.20

Please look at the grid for this weeks homework.

03.02.20 Vics Homework gird KS2-Spelling-Menu 2 (1) 03.02.20

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