Tomorrow’s Inventors

We have been working in our Tomorrow’s Inventors groups, discussing the problems our family and friends encounter everyday and deciding which we are going to focus on when designing a solution. We’ll keep you posted!




Mrs Tees and Mr Tyler set up our Seesaw accounts today. Soon we will be able to use our devices to share our class work with home (once Mrs Tees figures out why Mrs Horne’s account has the wrong class attached, haha)

Super Skills

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Today we continued our Super Skills lessons. Mrs Horne’s group are creating clips. We look forward to seeing the finished work at the end of the block!



Devices day is Friday this week.

Update – Auditions for School Show

Auditions will now be held in the week commencing Monday 3rd February 2020, not this Thursday or Friday as previously planned. This is to give everyone a fair chance to look at the material in preparation for the auditions as this has not yet been made available.

School Show Application Form

Term 2 Overview

Term 2 Planning Overview P6a

Devices Day – Change of Plan

We discussed bringing devices in next Thursday, however following a change in assembly time, could you please bring devices in on Friday instead. Thank you!

Homework 20/1/20, due 24/1/20

Spelling – Access, select the correct lists use spellingcity’s games to help you learn your words. Each week you are also to learn five words that you have selected yourself with the spelling rule taught on Mondays. These will not be on spelling city. Instead practise the rule making your words using active strategies (writing words on a partners back to guess, make with pasta or play doh, rainbow writing, cheerleading the words etc…). You do not hand evidence of this in to school. It should be short, fun and engaging. You will complete a short dictation which uses words of a similar difficulty, though not the 5 specific words, which follow the spelling rule on Fridays.

**This week is week 11, the rule is words ending in ‘ow’**

Numeracy  – Spheres – 3D shape – Complete on the sheet

Cylinders – Diving for Treasure  – answer in jotter

Cuboids – Weight Scales HL 49 – Complete on the sheet

Pyramids – Months of the Year Song

Other – Show Racism the Red Card Competition – Visit the site for further details:

Show Racism the Red Card Competition

*****School Show – if you would like to take part in the first round of auditions please apply following the link emailed to parents on Friday as soon as possible. The audition pieces will be put on the class blog by Miss Harvey. Please prepare your audition. P6 will be auditioning next Thursday and Friday, not the following week, due to our class trips and assemblies occurring w/c 27/1/20*****




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