Eco-Committee and JRSO

Today we had our first Pupil Group meetings. Mrs Horne and Mrs Jamieson run the Eco-Committee and JRSO group. Members of this group have an action point for their next meeting on Wednesday 5th February. They are to research the UN Sustainable Development Goals and select three targets they would like the pupil group to achive over the next two years. One should be linked to litter, one to the sustainable goals and the third can be anything which makes our school more eco-friendly. We had lots of great ideas to get us started.

P6a all came back from their meetings quite excited to share what they had been doing. The Sports Leaders said they are thinking about a running track, STEM are investigating experiments which could be carried out across the school, Positive Peers are looking at introducing a calming area to help people destress at break before they discuss events with the Peer Mediators and the librarians said they are looking at new organisational systems.

Lots will be happening over the next couple of years so watch their blogs for more information in the future!

Homework 13/1/20, Due 17/1/20


* Check your homework diary for your mental maths task.

* Choose an activity from the spelling homework grid to help you learn your spelling words.

Spelling Challenges Grid

*Complete your Tomorrow’s Inventors’ Market Research Surveys. These must be returned on THURSDAY.

Mentos and Coke!

Today we completed our reactions topic with an experiment which used many of the skills we had learned in term 1. We have developed and applied our knoweldge and understanding of report writing, measuring volume and  length, data handling and chemical and physical reactions .

After we carried out the experiment, adding mentos to cola, we measured the volume left to calculate the volume which had erupted during the reaction. Next week we will watch our videos back and use our ICT skills to measure the height of each eruption before creating graphs on excel. We had a few false starts but once Mrs Horne was holding the bottles the experiments went really well and we enjoyed seeing her covered in cola!


Christmas Party Fun

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Festive Slime

We continued our chemical reactions topic today by investigating slime. We carried out a fair test to discover whether using more glue makes the slime more bouncy. It definitely does! We also developed our report writing skills as we conducted the experiment.



Please could you bring in an empty playdoh or small tuperware tub on Wednesday. If you have extras please check on Teams Chat if these could be used by others in your class. Thank you!

***P6 PARTY***

On Wednesday it is also your stage party. You can wear your party clothes to school and should also bring a snack and drink to have during our party.

***P5 order***

We have discovered a stage portrait dishtowel from 2017-2018 which was ordered by someone who was absent at the end of term 4. No one in the class has claimed it, if you think this is yours please let us know and we will send this home next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

Sumdog Tables Challenge – Week 2

This week’s winner with the highest number of correctly answered questions in Annie! Our winner for highest percentage correct is Alexander B! Well done both of you!

The official Sumdog Challenge begins next Friday and runs until the 9th of January. Good luck!

Technology Challenge – P6a Winners

The P6a winners are Arran! Well done!

Technology Challenge

Phase 2 – Get creative

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Phase 3 – Completion

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Technology Challenge

Phase One – building

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