This week’s writing focused on news articles. P6a researched topical news stories and then produced articles, sharing the facts they had uncovered.
This week’s writing focused on news articles. P6a researched topical news stories and then produced articles, sharing the facts they had uncovered.
Spelling – Access, select the correct lists use spellingcity’s games to help you learn your words. Each week you are also to learn five words that you have selected yourself with the spelling rule taught on Mondays. These will not be on spelling city. Instead, practise the rule making your words using active strategies (writing words on a partners back to guess, make with pasta or playdoh, rainbow writing, cheerleading the words etc…). You do not hand evidence of this in to school. It should be short, fun and engaging. You will complete a short dictation which uses words of a similar difficulty, though not the 5 specific words, which follow the spelling rule on Fridays.
**This week is week 13, the rule is words ending in ‘l’ and ‘ll’**
Science and Numeracy –
Access East Renfrewshire’s Libraries Website and use the class login . When you first open the link select Children’s > School Children > Homework and this will allow you to open the link to the Britannica Library site which East Renfrewshire libraries pay to access. This allows you to open more information than on the Britannica website, and ensures your search is safer than on google. You are also able to access ebooks and audiobooks through the Borrowbox link on the ERC Libraries website.
You are going to research one of the eight planets of our solar system. You have to display the information you find in an interesting and creative way.
You must include:
Make your display as exciting and interactive as you can. You will present your findings to groups on Friday the 14th of February so DO NOT FORGET TO BRING YOUR DISPLAY WITH YOU. Have fun!
This week is Math’s Week! We applied our numeracy and scientific skills when learning about light and shade. We went to the playground throughout Wednesday and drew a line to show the length and position of our shadows. We then measured the lines and the angles between each one. We sketched the movement of our shadows in class, again using a protractor to measure the angles. We then debated the reasons our shadows change in this way through the day.