Homework 16 March 2020, Due 20 march 2020

Spelling – Access https://www.spellingcity.com/users/MrsKHorne, select the correct lists use spellingcity’s games to help you learn your words. Each week you are also to learn five words that you have selected yourself with the spelling rule taught on Mondays. These will not be on spelling city. Instead, practise the rule making your words using active strategies (writing words on a partners back to guess, make with pasta or playdoh, rainbow writing, cheerleading the words etc…). You do not hand evidence of this in to school. It should be short, fun and engaging. You will complete a short dictation which uses words of a similar difficulty, though not the 5 specific words, which follow the spelling rule on Fridays.

**This week is week 16,  unstressed vowels**

Numeracy – Spheres – Problem Solving – Open Boxes (On paper or edit and respond online using seesaw) .

Cylinders – Algebra – Complete the given calculations, and create calculations to help you solve the word problems. (Write on sheet given in class, or edit and respond online using seesaw)

Cuboids – HLU 49 – Measure – Weight (Write on correct side of sheet given in class. Bring in on Thursday, even if incomplete!)

Pyramids – Money – See seesaw. Login with glow username (gw….. @glow.sch.uk). If it asks for a code contact me through Teams Chat.

Other – Following on from our Point of View and Purpose text last week, this week you should learn more about working in the kitchen. Help your family to prepare food safely, clean surfaces, hands and equipment, use kitchen utensils and devices as well as helping to cook this week.

****Check you have access to Seesaw at home. Respond to ‘Homework 1’ with a comment, photo or video over the week. ****

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