P5A’s Learning This Week

Taylor- In writing we have been learning about flashbacks and we finished the story of a superhero flashback!
Sara- We have been practising the reading skill of visualisation where we listened to parts of our reading books and drew along to show our understanding through pictures!

Yi Chen- We have continued practising multiplying by nine and we also multiplied two digit numbers by nine.
Matthew- We have been learning how to round and estimate.
Evie- We have been learning how to gather information! We created questions and used google forms to collect the answers.
Morven- We also learned about weight and measuring weight by baking fairy cakes!

Social Studies:
Kerr- We were drawing our own maps with symbols and grid references!

Isam- We have been learning about the key features of a synagogue and we did a virtual tour of real synagogues in New York!

Health and Wellbeing: 
Ava- We have continued our PE lessons with the 6th year pupils at Eastwood High. My group has been learning how to play netball!
Mariam- We have been learning about different types of substances such as medicine and legal substances. We learned the difference between prescription medicine and over the counter medicine and the laws of legal substances like caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes. We then did a Kahoot quiz to test our knowledge!

Outdoor Learning:
Due to the weather, outdoor learning was actually… indoor! But, the pupils learned how to make a bird feeder.
Ethan- We were given half an orange, two sticks, string and seeds and we brainstormed ways to make a bird feeder. We then were able to successfully hang them up outside!

Modern Languages:
Inaaya- It was also Mother’s Tongue Day where each class was given a country and we had to label places throughout the school using our chosen language. Our’s was Spanish- just like what we learn with Mr McMillan. We wore the Spanish colours, had a special lunch in the cafeteria and we also learned a Spanish song  and practised it for assembly!