P5A’s Learning This Week

Apologies parents and carers for not posting last week as I (Miss MacMillan) was absent due to COVID! So glad to be back with P5a I really missed them when I was isolating.

Inaaya- We have been learning how to answer various questions in comprehension.
Christopher- In writing we have been learning how to add direct speech. We continued a story and had different objects to help us form ideas.

Matthew- The circles have been learning about the nets that make up 3D shapes.
Jamie F- The squares have been learning about factors and product. We also did problem solving about measure.
Murdo- The triangles have been learning how to multiply by 8 and we also learned about grid references.

Health and Wellbeing: 
Kerr- We had a visitor (virtually) to discuss things we are proud of and things we are good at. He had an inspiring story about growing up small and being bullied.
Maya- We have practised Scottish ceilidh dances like the Gay Gordons and Canadian Barn Dance.
Daisy- We had an visitor from the Young Carers Support team who taught us about the role of a young carer and how we can get help and support if this affects us.

Talking and Listening:
Sophie B- We have been practising our lessons that we will teach next week. I have been practising an art lesson to teach a small group!

Sophie C- We used music chrome lab to recreate a nursery rhyme! Then we made up our own nursery rhyme with our own lyrics too.

This Week in P5a…

Lucas- Our comprehension tasks have been about understanding words from the text. You need to read around the word to find clues.
Sophie C- In writing, we were learning how to use direct speech for when people are talking.
Talking and Listening:
To move away from the traditional “stand up and do a talk” as part of their talking and listening assessments, we are allowing the pupils to plan, practise and deliver a lesson where they are the teacher…
Ace- We are going to be the teacher soon so we had to write up a lesson plan for a lesson we will teach in either groups or to the whole class! For example, me, Jamie F and Ethan are going to be giving a maths lesson on times tables.
Inaaya- Our lesson is a circle time lesson (Health and Wellbeing) to build friendships in the class. We want them to self assess by showing thumbs like we do in class with Miss MacMillan.

Ethan- The circles have learning how to find the perimeter and area of rectangles and squares.
Olivia- The triangles have been learning our 7x table! We practised by playing lots of games with timers, card games, board games and games on the chrome book.
Heena- The squares have been learning how to subtract 3 digit numbers and converting measure (cm and m).

Social Studies:
Jack- We have been exploring lots of different types of maps to see how they work and what they all have.

Harley- We have continued the story of Moses, we wrote the ten commandments in our words and then came up with our own.

Ava- We were learning how recreate songs and make our own music on the chromebooks (Chrome Music Lab). First, we wrote our names and listened to they song it made, then we were given the Star Wars theme tune and we had to pitch it to match!

Health and Wellbeing:
Kerr- We have been learning Social Dancing! We practised the gay gordons- it was hard!!!


Back From the Christmas Holidays!

I hope you all had a lovely well deserved break 🙂 The children have been very busy despite it being a short week!

Isam- We have been learning to add and subtract 4 digit numbers.
Olivia- We did problem solving about multiplying by 6 and we multiplied 2 digit numbers by 6.
Sara- We have been practising subtracting using chimney sums and we also learned about function machines.

Jack- We did moving image this week, where we watched pixar La Luna, and we had free choice of what to write about. For example, we could write a poem, write instructions, write an ending or write a narrative.
Daisy- We also wrote winter acrostic poems and we shared them to the class!
Murdo- We also did true and false news, where we wrote about what we did over the holidays but we had to include 3 lies and our partner had to highlight which ones they think are false.


Modern Languages:
Evie- We did a Spanish lesson about the Disney film Encanto. We learned how to say the names of family members (e.g. Mum and Dad) and drew our own family tree using the Spanish words to label them.

Health and Wellbeing: 
Heena- We discussed New Years Resolutions and why people make make them and then we made Resolution Rainbows where we wrote ours in rainbows!
Sophie B- We played games in Circle Time to get to know people in the class better who we don’t play with. One was where we had to introduce our self to someone we don’t know very well and told them something we like, we then had to remember everything we said at the end!

Expressive Arts: 
Jamie F- We used different materials to make a picture showing that ‘every ending is a new beginning’ and discussed what that means to us.

Matthew- We started the topic of Judaism and we learned about the story Moses. We drew the basket and wrote the feelings of Moses’ Mum, sister and Pharaohs daughter inside. We also drew the burning bush and discusses the symbolism. We then played a game about the ten plagues where Miss MacMillan shouted one of them and we did an action to represent them.