A Busy Health Week!!

We have had so much fun attending all of these workshops and going to David LLoyd!  We have been SO busy and we are now exhausted, I hope you all have a good rest over the weekend P5A!

Sara- We finished our Matilda story boxes and in writing we created our own website on Google Sites! We had to use headings, choose layouts, bullet points, fonts and graphics.

Harley- The circles continued to learn how to find the duration of times but now in hours and minutes.
Yi Chen- The triangles learned how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.
Jack- The squares continued learning how to find the area and perimeter of shapes.
Kerr- We also worked in stations today doing mental maths challenges, Chromebook tasks, maths games, problem solving tasks and 4 operations calculations!

Healthy Mind-Set:
Lucas- We had a visitor gives us tips and tasks to do to create a healthy mind-set like power poses, goal-setting and positive affirmation.

Murdo-We did relay races where had to match the map symbols with the words and we also had to quickly find a stamper and put it in the right numbered box. We then matched a picture with mapping symbols like a jigsaw.

Olivia- We made healthy rocky road!

Christopher- We were pitching our product desigs to the class!


David LLoyd:





Friendship Building:




Sports Day: