Our Christmas Filled Week!

Thank you so much all your lovely gifts and wishes, you have been so kind and we are very thankful! We hope you all have a fantastic holiday and enjoy spending time with your families. We are very proud of each and every pupil as they have worked really hard this term and we are looking forward to seeing you again in the new year:)

P.S. We are glad you love the Christmas socks!

This week has been filled with Christmas themed tasks and lots of fun:)

The pupils watched the McDonalds Christmas Advert 2018 on Literacy Shed and answered various VIPERS (Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, and Summarise)  questions. Then, they created either their own persuasive advert to campaign that reindeers need treats left out for them too, or they created instructions on how to prepare your home on Christmas Eve.

The pupils were given a STEM challenge of creating a new and improved Santa’s Sleigh which had to be environmental friendly, aesthetically pleasing, high speed and aerodynamic . They created a design brief in groups and gave each other feedback to improve their design. Then, they built their sleigh and even came up with ways to make it move!


Christmas Crafts:
The class made some Christmas Tree decorations!

Christmas Quiz:


We also watched a movie with some popcorn and juice!
A nice little treat for all their hard work 🙂

Merry Christmas everyone!

This Week’s Learning

Firstly, thank you to all the parent’s and carers who attended our Christmas Carol concert! The pupils worked really hard and they were so excited to preform- well done Primary 5 🙂 

Myra- We continued to work on inferences this week.
Sophie- We picked our own spelling words this week from words that we find difficult and spelled incorrectly in our spelling tests.

Harley- The circles were learning how to add and subtract 4 digit numbers.
Sara- We were revising multiplying 2 digit numbers and we also continued our work on function machines.
Murdo- We continued to practise multiplying by 6. We also multiplied 2 digit numbers by 6!

Social Studies: 
Christopher- We looked at schools throughout the decades and compared it to school today. We wrote down questions about what we would ask someone about school back in the 1960s and 1970s and then we listened to interviews from people who went to school then to answer our questions. We researched any unanswered questions on the Chromebooks.
Daisy- We then created a venn diagram comparing school in the 1960/70s to school in 2021. We also drew a a comparison of the different classroom and labelled them (e.g. chalk board vs smart board)

Lewis- We learned about the 5Ks in Sikhism, their names and what they symbolise.

Jamie MacK- We used our sense outside to create a woodland poem. We were also bird watching using binoculars (RSPB Wild Challenge).

Expressive Arts:
Ethan- Following on from woodland, we created an advert or news report about why we should look after the planet and how we can help (RSPB Wild Challenge).

Health and Wellbeing: 
Morven- In Growth Mindset, we did silent graffiti about our learning this term and we also did another Growth Mindset Questionnaire to compare our results from the first lesson and a lot of us have really improved our mindsets!
Ace- Since it was the last week, we has free choice in the muga, so we picked parachute games! My favourite game was the shark attack game- it was really funny.

Our Learning Week

This week we had a bit of Christmas fun by wearing our Christmas jumpers and going to the present room (Friday 10th December)! However, we still had a very busy learning week.

Jamie F- We have continued to make inferences.
Harley- We finished off our mind maps.

Ethan- We have continued practising BODMAS. Today we had crack codes it was really fun!
Murdo- We have been learning our to multiply by 6. We also practised direction and routes, and had to guide Bee Bots around obstacles!
Christopher- We have been practising bus top division and we also learned about function machines.

Daisy- We were learning about Sikh’s place of worship (Gurdwara). We took notes on a certain feature or fact about the temple (inside features, outside features, showing respect/rules and why people go) and then we did a jigsaw task where we went round and filled in our section in each person  in the group’s jotter.

Topic (Social Studies):
Taylor- We created shoe boxes that are inspired by interior designs

Expressive Arts: 
Isam- We have been rehearsing for the Christmas Carol Concert.

Health and Wellbeing:
Kerr- In growth mindset, we created our own ‘learning cereal boxes’ for example, mine was called Growth Krispies!
Sara- Due to the ice, we did indoor PE where we did a full body workout and we also did dancing. It was really fun but we were so tired (see pictures below of the end results!!).


This Week’s Learning

Lewis- We have been learning about inferences! We use the clues in the text and what we already know to help us make an inference.
Ethan- In writing, we have continued with note-taking and we made a mind map about our learning in each subject.

Kerr- The circles have been learning about BODMAS (the order of operations). It has been challenging but fun!
Ava- The triangles have been continuing to practise dividing 2 digit numbers with remainders. We have learned another strategy to help us (dots method).
Jamie F- The squares have been learning about symmetry and multiplying by 8 and 9.

Expressive Arts:
Cormac- We have been continuing our rehearsals for our Christmas concert! We are learning another two new songs!

Health and Wellbeing:
Sophie C- In the Muga, we have been continuing our hockey lessons. We were practising our dribbling skills by doing relay races where we had to control the ball in and out of each cone. Each round had more cones added.

Social Studies (Topic): 
Isam- We have been learning about interior design trends in Scotland throughout each decade. We took notes about each era and then we used them to create an interior design plan.

David- We have been continuing our topic of Sikhism. We went over the story of Guru Nanak and learned about how Sikhs celebrate Gurpurab (Guru Nanak’s birthday). We made a mind map about what they do two days before, one day before and on the day of Gurpurab.

Inaaya- Mrs Nasar came in to teach us about Bystander or Upstander. A bystander is someone who joins in, ignores or does not tell a teacher when they see someone being bullied. An upstander is someone who sticks up for the person, interferes or informs a teacher when someone is being bullied. We had a lot of honest discussions about who we think we are and how we can do better.

Road Safety Week:
Morven- It was road safety week this week so we were learning about road safety heros. We had a sorting acitvity where we had to decide if each action is not a hero thing to do or a hero.