Our Christmas Filled Week!

Thank you so much all your lovely gifts and wishes, you have been so kind and we are very thankful! We hope you all have a fantastic holiday and enjoy spending time with your families. We are very proud of each and every pupil as they have worked really hard this term and we are looking forward to seeing you again in the new year:)

P.S. We are glad you love the Christmas socks!

This week has been filled with Christmas themed tasks and lots of fun:)

The pupils watched the McDonalds Christmas Advert 2018 on Literacy Shed and answered various VIPERS (Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain, Retrieve, and Summarise)  questions. Then, they created either their own persuasive advert to campaign that reindeers need treats left out for them too, or they created instructions on how to prepare your home on Christmas Eve.

The pupils were given a STEM challenge of creating a new and improved Santa’s Sleigh which had to be environmental friendly, aesthetically pleasing, high speed and aerodynamic . They created a design brief in groups and gave each other feedback to improve their design. Then, they built their sleigh and even came up with ways to make it move!


Christmas Crafts:
The class made some Christmas Tree decorations!

Christmas Quiz:


We also watched a movie with some popcorn and juice!
A nice little treat for all their hard work 🙂

Merry Christmas everyone!