An Amazing Week at School

On Monday, in Science we were learning about dominant and recessive alleles. There are 2 alleles on a gene. – Ellis

To represent the alleles, you can choose any letter that you want. For hair colour you could have a capital H to represent the dominant gene and lowercase h to represent the recessive gene. If you had Hh or HH that would be the dominant gene and hh would be recessive. – Isaac

We watched a video on the 10 rarest eye colours. Some of them I couldn’t even believe were real like black, silver and red eyes! Someone in our class had the rarest eye colour, called Central Heterochromia. – Alexander

Today was P5’s last day doing P.E. at E.H.S. We played a giant game of rounders (x2) and it was a competition between 4 teams. We named our teams: Squidward Squad, The Crunchy Croissants, The Crusty Crab and Chicken Turkey. – Lily-Anne


Super Science Week

This week was science week. We watched a video on a lamb giving birth and we had a sheet where we labelled different parts of the sheep’s body. – Ellis

I learned that sheep eat grass and they can do so because they have 4 stomachs to help them digest it. – Olivia-Rose

I learned that when sheep give birth the lamb needs to have 2 feet out first so that the lamb can be pulled out. – Lily-Anne

When the lamb comes out, it’s belly button has to be sprayed with iodine so that it doesn’t get infected. We also watched a video on cows and we had to label different parts of the body of the cow which the farmer needs to check to make sure the cow is healthy.  To check the cow’s temperature you need to stick a thermometer inside the cow’s bottom. – Arjun

After the cow poos you need to do the squish test.  To do this, stand on the poo and if it squishes, it is healthy. – Isaac

We did tests on ourselves to see if we were healthy. We checked our pulses, breathing rate and skin pinching. – Matthew

Today, we focused on optical illusions. Optical illusions are patterned pictures which can trick your mind. – Sophie

Have a look at our photos of our illusions!


Fours’ and Fives’ Fun Fantastic Fabulous Friendly Friendships About Forgiveness with Mrs Ferguson

Today, just before lunch we were doing Health and Well-being. We were learning about forgiveness. We discussed that you should forgive people because we don’t want to fight anyone or argue. After our discussion we each made a friendship poster to collate as a booklet. I was focusing on forgiveness. – Isaac

The other categories for our booklet were: Respect, Kindness, Quality Over Quantity, Support, Share and Play. I focused on quality over quantity. I remember mentioning what a fake and real friend were. – Alexander

For our booklet, I was focusing on Sharing. I wrote about how we should always share our friends so that you have more friends and then nobody is left out. – Eilidh

We are going to put our friendship booklets outside in all the playgrounds so that everybody can read it. – Ellis

We want everyone to read it so that everyone can play together, make up if fallen out and be friends again. – Subhan

Busy Book Week

This week I have really enjoyed learning about multiplying by 10 and 100 and I enjoyed doing P.E. In P.E. we were focusing on general fitness where there was an obstacle course, a relay race, skipping ropes, balancing beam, jumping mats and ladders.  My favourite was the obstacle course. – Joey

I enjoyed our maths work because I love multiplying by 10 and 100. If you multiply by 10 you would have move the number one place to the left and therefore there would be a 0 at the end. If you multiply by 100 it is the same again but move the number 2 places to the left and it would have 2 0’s on the end. – Lily

I have enjoyed learning how to write a poem. I wrote my poem about my friend Olivia-Rose and it was about friendship. – Ellis

The first verse it:

She is funny when she falls,

Especially when she crashes into a wall

After that she still stands tall

My very best friend.

I enjoyed going to Eastwood High because it was fun meeting new high school pupils that I might be with in high school. I liked learning about angles in maths and enjoyed the angles treasure hunt because it helped me get better at it. – Isaac

I also really enjoy going to Eastwood for P.E. – Matthew

This Monday we were learning about our new science topic called Inheritance. Characteristics can be eye colour, hair colour, blood type, dimples, freckles, height, nose shape and size, skin colour and size of ears. These characteristics can be passed on from mum and dad or grandparents. – Joshua

I have learnt that all the angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees. – Lily-Anne

On Thursday we were doing coding on an app called Hour of Code. The game we were playing on it was a Minecraft one and you had to get past 12 levels. You were given a choice as to which character you wanted to be: Steve or Alex. We had to drag the arrows for forward, left and right to show direction. – Toby

This week I have really enjoyed learning about 2 digit times single digit in chimney calculations in a treasure hunt. For example 28 x 4 you need to do 4 x 8 and that is 32. You carry the 3 to the tens column and the 2 should go into the big equals sign at the units side. Then you do 4 x 2 which is 8. You plus the carried 3 tens which is 11. The final answer would be 112. – Subhan

I enjoyed the reading cafe because I read my favourite book and we had orange juice and snacks. I loved the orange juice. The book I was reading was James and the Giant Peach. – Roslyn

Some of us swapped books at the reading cafe and on the tables we had red or yellow tablecloths and on the red tablecloths there were tiny fake candles and on the yellow tablecloths there were yellow flowers in vases. Have a look at the school twitter page for our photos!- Olivia-Rose