Super Smart Scientists learning about Solids, Liquids and Gases

In Science we have started to learn about solids, liquids and gases. Solids are something that you can hold. – Amy

Solids are made up of tiny particles that are stuck together and can’t move around. – Maddison

Some examples of solids are bricks, spoons, water bottles and tables. – Eilidh

Liquids are something runny that you can’t hold. The particles are less tightly packed together and can move a little bit. – Finn

Some examples of liquids are water, juice and oil. – Nicole

Gases are like smoke and the particles are not close together so can move freely. – Isaac

Examples of gases are helium, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke and carbon dioxide  – Olivia-Rose, Matthew and Finn

Gases are something that you can inhale and exhale instead of eating and drinking. We played a game to help us. As a group we had to stand close together to pretend to be a solid, hold hands and stay close but move a bit to pretend to be a liquid and when we were gas particles we had to spread out around the room. – Alexander


We were being solid particles, standing closely together.


We were being gas particles, slightly further apart.


We were being gas particles, easily moving and spread out.

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