Maths Week Scotland

This week was Maths Week Scotland. We were focusing on different types of jobs which involve maths.

At one group we were being an architect and the P4’s used squared paper and P5’s used blank paper to draw out a floor plan of a bungalow. – Amy

We were using maths in our floor plan because we had to use a ruler to measure out the rooms. – Maddison

We multiplied the length and breadth to work out what the area of each room was and and every cm we drew out was 1m. – Arjun

We were also pretending to be businessmen and women. We had to figure out when we were doing calls to other countries and write it on our schedule. We had to add on or take away in hours and tell the time to work out the time difference in other countries. – Ellis

The last station was to be a teacher and make our own maths lesson. The P5’s had to teach multiples or factors and the P4’s had to teach 3 times table multiplying or division. On our lesson plan we had to conclude a starter task, main task and a fast finisher. – Eilidh

3 people in our class got to teach their lesson including me, Finn and Subhan. Finn and I got to teach the P5 and Subhan got to teach the P4’s. It was really weird being the teacher and it was challenging to get everyone to listen. I enjoyed that I had the chance to experience these jobs so that I have future references if I want to do that job in the future. – Alexander

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