Week Beginning 28.02.22

We have had a wonderful week in P3b celebrating World Book Day. We took part in ‘Stop, Drop and Read’ within class and also took part in the book swap with our peers, some of us were quite happy to continue reading our own book. During this time we enjoyed a lovely snack and  spent time either reading or sharing our book with others. It was a great opportunity to explore books we may not normally read. We do have lots of Harry Potter fans in P3b with a total of 8 Harry Potter books brought into class!!!

We also created some silly stories by passing sheets of paper around the classroom and everyone wrote part of the story. There were lots of giggles which could probably be heard throughout the school. Here are some pictures of us enjoying our stories…





Numeracy and Maths

Whilst we continued with our number work this week, we were very excited to start learning about 2D tiling. We are a very creative class and some of the designs we made are amazing!





We continued with our dictionary work this week and absolutely loved a team game of ‘spot the word’. We were incredibly excited and it also helped us to work on our skimming skills too. We also finished off our comic strips and Mrs Agnew is absolutely delighted with our finished pieces. We have included amazing illustrations, fantastic speech bubbles and really interesting captions.


Sometimes in P3b we are given some free time to explore. Many of us are really interested in the peg boards at the moment. I am sure you will agree that our creations are lovely and some of us ideas really show how well we use our imaginations!


Magnus and Ibrahim created the flag of Pakistan.


Kayla created a unicorn.

P3b Show

Over the next few weeks we will be working really hard practising for our show. This week we began to learn the songs and were given our parts plus our scripts. We are very excited to share our show with you but have lots of work to do first!

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