Week Beginning 15.11.21

We have had a lovely week celebrating Book Week Scotland. We all brought our favourite book to school and have had various opportunities to read them throughout the week. It has been lovely to share our books, discuss our favourite authors and illustrators along with completing a book review.  We also redesigned the front cover of one of the books in our Read, Write, Count bags and created character selfies. Here we all are with our favourite books along with a couple photos of us reading in class. On Monday we will complete our STEM a Story activity where we will be challenged to build 3 different houses for the little pigs.


Numeracy and Maths

This week some of us have been learning to add with 3-digits whilst others have been learning how to round. We have also been looking at the missing number in addition and subtraction calculations. On Friday’s we have a go at completing an activity from the challenge boxes. Willow and Kayla worked hard matching the 3-digit numbers to their description.

We used the BeeBots to support our learning of Directions. We made our way around different stations in the class, challenging each other to get BeeBot from one place to another on the mat plus we had a go at building a maze for BeeBot. Next week we will be following a set of instructions to see if we can get BeeBot to the correct location.




Health and Wellbeing

We have continued changing our mindset in Primary 3 and have been learning about a growth mindset. This week Miss Macrae asked us to debate if a girl can be an engineer. We split into two groups and some of us had to argue that girls can be an engineer whilst others had to argue that they can’t be. It was a very interesting conversation and this led onto us thinking about what we would like to be when we grow up and what we will need to do to achieve it. In Primary 3b there is a full team of potential footballers, some teachers, singers, artists, athletes and pilots. We even thought of an animal saver as a job for the future!

Outdoor Learning

Last week in the woodland we created our own firework show accompanied by some music. We used the leaves as the fireworks and with our group, timed the movement of the leaves with our use of the instruments. We absolutely loved making as much noise as we could which I am sure you can see from our faces. The photos below are of last weeks lesson. This week we made music with only natural materials that we could find in the woodland. There was lots of rustling of leaves, shaking of stones and banging (carefully) of trees, all with a lovely rhythm!



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