Week Beginning 01.11.21

P3b were full of excitement when returning to school after a weekend of Halloween celebrations. It was lovely to hear what the children dressed up as and what they did to mark the occasion with their friends and families. We have also been talking about COP26. Many of the children have showed a keen interest in the topic and we have some planned learning on this subject next week! Along with Guy Fawkes night, there has been a tremendous amount of excitement around ‘Break the Rule’ day. The children had lots of fun breaking the rules and were so keen to show each other what rules they had broken!


We have continued with addition and subtraction for the majority of the week. Some of the children are working on addition with carrying whilst others are continuing to develop strategies to answer horizontal calculations. We have also taken our right angle knowledge and began to use this to help create and follow sets of directions. This week we learned the vocabulary forwards, backwards, right and left. We will build on this next week and put our directions own directions into practise.


In writing we have continued looking at poems. This has been both through our writing and also as part of comprehension for some. This week we wrote a poem about Autumn focusing on the sense. We used our time in the woodland to gather ideas to use in our poem. We also continue to practise our spelling words each week. Some of the activities we do are magnetic letters, scrabble letters, chalk pens, phoneme pebbles, active spelling cards plus a range of games such as BOOM!

Outdoor Learning

As mentioned above, we spent our time in the woodland thinking about our senses. We searched for things we can see, hear, feel and smell that make us think of Autumn. Thankfully we weren’t tasled with tasting anything! There were also many happy faces playing in the leaves!


Health and Wellbeing

This week we started a new programme of learning based around Growth Mindset. We have completed a questionnaire to provide a better understanding of our own mindset – fixed or growth. This week, Miss Macrae told us an imaginative story about a child starting school. The child had a fixed mindset and would behave in certain ways to show this. In groups, we worked together to come up with solutions to help the child.

The Vikings

We have been busy writing short stories in our busy books about the Vikings. The story could be about anything at all related to the Vikings. We then had lots of fun acting out the stories in class. We sat together and children were picked to come into the middle and pretend to be the character or object. There were lots of giggles along with learning in the class and we hope to hear some more stories in this way next week.


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