Week Beginning 25.10.21

Primary 3b have been full of excitement this week in the lead up to Halloween. We have completed some activities in class including spooky adjectives and then writing a short story using these adjectives along with some Halloween yoga and on Monday we made our own decorations for the classroom.

Numeracy and Maths

Many of us have been working on calculations. Some of us are focusing on horizontal calculations and have been using strategies such as counting on or back and partitioning to help us calculate the answer. Others have been learning about vertical calculations and have been focusing on laying out the calculation, ensuring our tens and units are lined up. We also started a new concept in class and over the next six weeks we will be learning about position and direction. This week we learned about right angles and we now understand that a right angle is the same as a quarter turn. We went on a right angle hunt around the classroom.


This week we wrote our Autumn poems. We used some of the things we found in the woodland as prompts to help support our writing. We included some alliteration in our poem and had lots of fun trying to say ‘Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers’. Mrs Agnew thinks our poems are amazing and next week we are going to redraft them onto templates. We also completed a listening activity. Mrs Agnew read us a set of instructions related to a picture of a skeleton and we had to complete the picture according to the instruction.

Expressive Arts

We completed some Halloween art by creating a spooky picture with a silhouette.  We were given white and blue paint and had to gradually mix the blue paint into the white to get the effect of the moon. We then created a silhouette of a castle, haunted house or any other spooky image and glued this onto the painting. Our images look great and we can’t wait to share them with you soon.

Outdoor Learning

Our time in the woodland was very wet this week which impacted on the lesson planned. We still went out in the rain and had lots of fun as you will see from the photos below.



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