Week Beginning 18.10.21

It was lovely to see the children returning from their October break so happy and excited to share what they did with their families and friends during their time off. We spent some time on Tuesday listening to each other share holidays, day trips and exciting things happening at home.

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued with concepts previously learned. Some of us created our own calculations and challenged our partner to answer them correctly. We completed our work on money and have shown we can calculate amounts up to £10. We can calculate change within £1 and have been using strategies to help us do this.


In Literacy we continued our focus on nouns and have been looking at the difference between common and proper nouns. We are working really hard to develop our handwriting skills and looking at our letter formation.

Outdoor Learning

Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking at Autumn which will also support our writing in class. During our time in the woodland we collected lots of things that remind us of Autumn. This included leaves which had changed colour, logs, fallen apples and even a piece of pumpkin. We discussed the colours and textures of the items and also why the reminded us of Autumn. Some of us  spotted different types of fungus on the trees including some jelly fungus, amazingly this was also growing on the tyres!

We then had some free time to explore the woodland. Some of us started an imaginary game, the Vikings vs the Romans. We had a tug of war which quickly developed into a full class tug of war.

The Vikings

This week we have been learning about Viking longships. We looked at the unique design of the ships and watched a short video which gave us an insight into how the Vikings used and operated their ships. In pairs or groups, we have started to create our own design. We have all given our Viking longships a name and some of us are even adding our own inventions to our design.


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