Week Beginning 27.09.21

We have been busy bees in Primary 3 this week and have had lots going on.

Maths Week Scotland

The theme for Maths Week Scotland has been ‘Our World’. Primary 3 began the week by discussing how maths is used in every day life and looked at various jobs and why they need to use the maths. The children were very keen to share the jobs their parents do and we discussed lots of different ways they will complete maths on a daily basis. Symmetry was a common theme this week. We looked at some flags of the world and discussed the symmetry and 2D shapes we could see in them. We also created our own symmetrical Rangoli patters.

We absolutely loved creating our own hundred square puzzles by cutting up a hundred square and then challenging our partner to complete it.


Our spelling sound this week has been ‘ee’. We have begun introducing more active spelling tasks to complete in class and also practising our common words. Along with reading and comprehension we have continued our focus on adjectives and again linked this with our writing, The Alien Landing. We loved describing the aliens and were challenged with describing what the alien can see, hear, smell, taste and touch.

Outdoor Learning

Our time in the woodland this week was connected with Maths Week Scotland. Before going to woodland we reminded ourselves about Venn Diagrams and then created our own using anything we could find in the woodland. We came up with lots of amazing criteria such as rough, smooth, brown and squishy and correctly sorted each of the objects we found.

The Vikings

This week we were extremely excited to begin making our Viking shields. We discussed different Viking shield designs and look at examples. We also shared pictures some children sent in of ‘real’ Vikings they recently met. On Thursday we cut out the shield from our cardboard, which was way harder than expected, and then began painting them. The shields are looking great but not quite finished, we still have the boss, handle and some finishing touches to add!

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