Week Beginning 06.09.21

It has been an extremely busy week in P3b. We have enjoyed using our imagination and creating more classroom displays including Our Monster Stories and our map of the world. The map of the world shows the connections that we, or members of our family, have with the world.

In Numeracy and Maths we have been focusing on fractions. This includes finding half or a quarter of a shape and we have been learning how to write a fraction correctly. We have also been learning about money and correctly identified all coins to £1. We then used our addition and subtraction skills to calculate how much more money was needed to make a certain amount.

In Literacy, we were introduced to new reading books this week. We are using these books to develop our comprehension skills. We are also focusing on capital letters and full stops. In writing, we continued a story about a monster. Our Success Criteria was to include tricky or wow words in our writing and begin to introduce other types of punctuation. We are also working hard on our hand writing and ensuring we use finger spaces.

Growth Mindset is still a huge topic of discussion and we have been talking about what we would like to get better at and how we are going to achieve it. We also sorted statements to demonstrate our understanding of a fixed and a growth mindset.

We enjoyed a music lesson with Mrs Duggie this week were we learning about keeping the beat. We played lots of different games with the ball which involved bouncing the ball or passing the ball whilst keeping to the beat.



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