Patterns, Pumpkins and Potions!

We have had another busy week of learning. Outdoors  we took our maths outside and had great fun creating patterns using lots of different items. Some of our patterns even created great obstacle courses for us all to try. We also enjoyed making spooky potions and poisonous hot chocolate!

We have been learning our new sounds and completing lots of activities to help us remember all of them. 

We have also been using our sounds to make words and short sentences.

We have been exploring the days of the week, months of the year and the seasons. We have enjoyed identifying the features of each season and sorting items into the correct season.

We have started to write our own helicopter stories and have had great fun acting them out on our class stage.

We have also been busy in  our areas painting pumpkins, creating wonderful houses and spooky castles. Here are some highlights from our week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Marble Run Adventures and More!

We had great fun in our outdoor garden this week solving different problems. We especially enjoyed creating a marble for our balls. Our creation were super and we had such good fun working together to solve different problems.

We have been creating our own number lines using cubes and paint. We have also been working really hard identifying numbers before and after using number fans to help to show our answers.

We have been hard at work practising all our sounds, blending words and reading tricky words.

It has been great hearing all the boys and girls adventures from their October Holidays. They have also been so keen to show me what they have been learning with Miss Faull, which has been wonderful to see. I am so proud of all their super work!  We decided this week that our room needed a little change! We worked together to come up with some ideas of how to make our classroom better and we decided to move some of our areas around, as you can see we are loving our new areas!

Keep up the super work P1C!

The rain didn’t stop us!

It has been another busy week in P1C.
This week we have explored three new sounds. We explored the sounds ‘m’, ‘d’ and ‘r’.

Despite the rain, we got all wrapped up and ready to make our  perfumes in the garden! So many smells all around us and we voted on our favourite! It smelt minty and fresh. We really enjoyed learning about our sense of smell!

We can’t wait for more learning and fun next week, until then have a lovely weekend everyone!