
News 26/11/18


  • Our Nativity rehearsals are well underway and going well. Please help your child to learn the songs. There is reduced maths homework this week to allow focus for this. Every child will have a speaking part in the Nativity; your help with learning the words is much appreciated. For the Nativity performance, we ask that your child wears black trousers / leggings and black or dark coloured shoes- no trainers please and no flashing lights on the footwear please; this is distracting for the audience. The children will be given a coloured t- shirt on the day.



First Minister’s Reading Challenge.


  1. Please continue to read extra books with your child this week and mark the number of books read at the back of the challenge booklet –Your child should bring the booklet in on a Friday along with their homework so that we can recognise their achievements with stickers.
  2. The reading for this challenge will form part of the homework and will replace the active spelling task currently on the homework sheet; this should give time to this important challenge.






Christmas Fair – Saturday 1st December 2018 – 1pm-3.30pm

Adults £2.00 – Children 50p – Family ticket £5.00



In exchange for a TOMBOLA prize, pupils will be able to dress down on the day.

P5 Enterprise

Dear Parent/Carer,


Primary 5 are studying Enterprise in Social Studies and are learning about running a business. We have carried out market research to investigate the best product for sale to maximise profits.


Our research has revealed that sweets are the most popular product. As a result, we will be producing Sweetie Cones. All sweets are gelatine free and suitable for a vegetarian diet.


We have taken out a business loan from Mrs Friel and have to repay this in full. Profits made in this venture will be donated to charity.


Sweetie Cones will be available for sale from Monday 10th December for £1. We hope you will support our project.


Yours faithfully,


Mrs Ali and Primary 5


Entrepreneurs in Training


Braidbar Pupil Council would like to ask for your help in supporting those in need this Christmas.  We are organizing a collection for the local Foodbank and would encourage anyone in a position to do so to support this worthwhile cause.  Donations can be brought into school between Monday 3rd December and Friday 7th December.  Please see a list below of items that would be gratefully received.


  • Toiletries including toilet roll, deodorant, shampoo and liquid soap.
  • Food items including UHT milk, long life juice, small coffee, small sugar, Jam, pasta sauce, cereal, biscuits.
  • Tinned food such as peas, tomatoes, sweetcorn, meat, tuna, custard, fruit, creamed rice.


The Foodbank currently has a large stock of soup, beans and pasta so any of the above items would be a great support in feeding families during the festive period.


Thank you in advance,


Braidbar Pupil Council