School Show

Dear Parent/Carer,


The pupils in P5, 6 and 7 are preparing for the much anticipated end of year school show. This year, we have chosen “High School Musical” and look forward to the singing, dancing and entertainment! The dates are Tuesday 11th (1.45pm) and Wednesday 12th June (7pm).


We are organising a raffle for the two dates and any money raised will benefit your child in the school. Mrs Ali is looking for any donations of vouchers, gifts or services for the raffle. Anything received will be very much appreciated. If you would like to participate in this, please contact the office or send your donation into school. We appreciate your support in this venture. Thank you!

News 22/05/19

News – 22/05/19


Personal Talks

Please have the personal talk ready to be presented for Tuesday 22nd May. Please keep any resources needed in school until the Friday as we will select a number of talks to do each day.  The focus for the talk is that the children have an awareness of their audience, are able to make some eye contact and can speak clearly. I can’t wait to hear them all! I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend.


Friday 31/05/19 – Dress as you please

In exchange for a Tombola prize, pupils will be able to dress down on Friday. Please bring a piece of fruit to match your house colour. These will be used to make delicious smoothies at the Fair.


*Please apply sunscreen to your child before they come to school on warm days; we cannot apply the sunscreen due to health and safety reasons.