Free Taster Swimming Lessons

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Swimming Development are looking for children aged 4 to 12 years to come along to FREE Lessons again.

If you are interested in bringing your children along to their free taster swimming lessons at Barrhead Foundry, being taught by their probationary teachers, then please see dates and times below.

Saturdays  22, 29 February and 14 March.

Sundays 9, 23 February, 01 and 15 March

Times as follows:-

Saturdays-11.30am-12.00pm, 12.00pm-12.30pm, 12.30pm-1.00pm and 1.00pm-1.30pm.

Sundays-12.30pm-1.00pm and 1.00pm-1.30pm 1.30pm-2pm and 2.00pm-2.30pm

Please choose which time slots you would like, (you can attend more than one session)

You can contact them at  Neilston on 0141 577 4811 – opening hours (9am-12.30pm & 3.30pm-8pm) or Barrhead on 0141 580 1174 or pop into the centre and put their name down on the list.

ERCL FREE Schools Letter – Course Feb 2020

Specialist Diets

If your child requires a special diet for medical reasons, you should obtain a Medically prescribed diet registration form, from the school office and send with an accompanying letter from a medical practitioner or dietician confirming the specific details of the diagnosis to your school office.  Once the form has been received you will be contacted by one of the catering team to discuss your child’s dietary needs and outline the process ensuring a suitable meal is provided.

For pupils wishing to access the Halal menu then a Cultural diet request form should be completed and for any pupils wishing to access the Vegan or Vegetarian menu then a Lifestyle request form should be completed, both forms are available from the school office.

Please note that it’s your responsibility to inform us about changes in your child dietary needs.

Please click the links below to access school lunch menus

Halal lunch menu

P1 – P7 School Lunch Menu


Families Connect P1 Sessions at St. Mark’s Primary

Recently we sent out an invitation to all parents and carers within Primary 1, to join our Families Connect programme starting Monday 25th November, 3-5pm in our Family Room. 

This is a great opportunity to try our free games to share as a family at home that will help your child at school.

What will I do?

  • Learn and play together as a family
  • Understand feelings, praise and listening
  • Explore books and stories
  • Play with numbers and counting

Spend time with other parents and carers

  • Talk about the activities that help your children learn
  • Share new games before taking them home
  • Share your own advice and challenges

The sessions will run:

3pm – 4pm Parents Only (children at after school club)

4pm – 4.20pm Child and parent snack time

4.20-5pm Parent and child activity time


If you interested and haven’t already done so, please reply via the link below and we look forward to welcoming you!


Helpers Needed!

We are looking for helpers to join us at the P7 Vocations Mass on Monday 16th September.

Pupils in P7 will travel to  St Mirin’s Cathedral from St Mark’s via bus leaving at 9.15am and returning for 12.30pm.
If you are available, please click the link below:
Thank you!

Places to Play

Come along and enjoy some play time with your family and take part in some activities including den building, tig games and art with nature.

We are running some places to play sessions in various areas in Barrhead, see information below:

Venue Day Date Times
Cowan Park (meet at band stand) Wednesday 28th August 2019 4.00-6.00pm
Dunterlie RC (Meet at resource centre) Thursday 19th September 2019 5.30-7.30pm
ABC Park (Aurs Dr, meet at play park) Saturday 21st September 2019 12 noon to 2.00pm

Come along to any of the sessions, enjoy the outdoors and have some fun.

Parents/carers must stay with the children!

Please wear outdoor clothing and feel free to bring a snack

For any more information contact:

Kerry Cameron – Community Worker

Tel No: 0141 577 3099


Look forward to seeing you!

Early Learning and Childcare Open Day

Saturday 7 September 2019

Find out more about your nursery and childminding options

From August 2020, the Scottish Government is increasing the number of funded hours your child can get in Early Learning and Childcare from 600 hours to 1,140 hours a year, giving you more choice on when and where you use it. The increase in funded hours will be available to all three and four year olds and some two year olds.

So join us to find out more about what this means for you – and also enjoy fun activities and refreshments.

Staff from East Renfrewshire Council and all our funded providers, including nurseries and childminders, will be on hand to give you lots of information about which setting could best suit the needs of you, your child and your family.

 Where: Carlibar Primary School, Barrhead Road

When: 10am – 1pm

School Entry 2019-2020

Following the Letter previously sent out, as from Wednesday 15th August 2019 we will no longer be in a position for Early Entry into school. Pupils should instead line up in the front playground for entry into school at 9.00am.

 Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils will line up at the top of the front playground next to the bike shelter.
 Primary 3 – Primary 7 will line up in the middle front playground at the basketball nets.

Class teachers will take classes in one at a time after the 9am bell.
The Early Bird Club will still be available from 8.00am until 9.00am free of charge, however entry into the Early Bird Club will not be available after 8.30am.

Yours sincerely,

Natalie Fitzsimmons
Head Teacher

Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading challenge is a great way to keep children reading during the school holidays. Children can sign up at the library, then read six library books to complete the Challenge. There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and it’s FREE to take part! …

Please visit the libraries website to find out about Fun for all the Family with


  • Stories
  • Sci-Fi Labs
  • Space Crafts
  • Virtual Reality
  • Space Training
  • Alien Hunts and more.


All ages welcome, free, contact the library to book your interest

Many Thanks

Mary T.Dickie

Library Development Officer

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Limited

Phone: 0141 577 3513 Mobile: 07341 096645


Celebrations of the Church’s year

This Sunday, 23rd June, marks one of the major celebrations of the Church’s year, the great Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord. All over the world on this day, faithful members of the Church gather to remember and give thanks for the many blessings given by God and in particular, the great gift of his own body and blood which we receive in Holy Communion. This belief in the Real Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist is one of the central beliefs of our faith and rightly we remember it with joy.

To mark this special day, all over the world, parishes hold Blessed Sacrament processions, sometimes through the streets of towns, villages and even cities. This ancient tradition we continue in our own parish here in Barrhead with a procession around the grounds of the church, starting at the end of the 10am Mass. You are most welcome to come along and join us and a particular invitation is extended to the children and families of those who received the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation this year. The procession ends with refreshments in the parish hall.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we celebrate Mass and walk in procession in honour of the Lord our God and His many gifts to us.

May God bless you all.

Fr Joe Burke

Parish Priest

We value love, faith and understanding

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