Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve Excellence and Equity in Education – A Governance Review

Why are we holding a governance review?

The Scottish Government is committed to doing everything it can to ensure children and young people get the best start in life. This means we want them to get high quality early learning and childcare before they go to school and the best education when they are at school.

We have a good education system in Scotland with good nurseries and schools and good early years practitioners and teachers. Unfortunately, we know that Scottish education does not deliver the same outcomes for all children, particularly children from the poorest backgrounds.

We want Scottish education to be the best for all children and young people. In particular we want to ensure Scottish education can deliver excellence and equity –meaning we want to raise standards in education for all children and young people and to close the educational attainment gap between those children and young people from the most and least deprived communities in Scotland.

How does this review affect you?

We want to hear your views about how education in Scotland should be run and how it can be improved to support your children to succeed –what is good, what is not and how it can be improved.

We think that teachers, early years practitioners, parents and carers should have more say in the way education is delivered to children and young people. We believe that decisions about children’s learning and schools should be taken within schools themselves supported by parents and communities.

Evidence shows that when parents or carers are fully involved in their child’s learning and in the life and work of their school, that children, parents and schools do better.

We want parents and carers to play a stronger role in school life and to become key decision makers. This means ensuring that all parents and carers can be involved in the right decisions when they want and need to be. We also want to hear you views on how this can be delivered. We also want to hear what parents and carers want from schools and what more they could do to support parents.

Getting involved

You views are important. The Scottish Government wants to hear from as many parents and carers as possible.

You can get involved in this review by:

The governance review will run until Friday the 6th of January 2017.

Adverse Weather

Adverse Weather

In the past, we have had severe disruption as a result of bad weather. In the event of a similar situation arising this winter we have put a few strategies in place. East Renfrewshire schools will only be closed in extreme circumstance.


  • If the school is closed during the course of a school day you will be contacted, in the first instance, by text message. Please ensure we have a current mobile phone number on our records for this purpose.
  • The text will ask you to make arrangements to collect your child as soon as possible. You cannot reply to this message.
  • Please don’t telephone the school unless absolutely necessary as we have a limited number of external lines.
  • Your child will be kept in school until someone comes for him/her.
  • Once the school has been officially closed regular updates will be posted on the East Renfrewshire and school websitse and updates posted on Twitter.


In the event of heavy snow as first priority our janitor will clear a path to the breakfast club door from the stairs. Look out for signs directing you if we have to make any changes to the usual routine.snowman

Skye’s Amazing Fundraiser!


Skye Murray from P2b, pictured her wth her mum and Susan Harrison from Marie Curie when they dropped off a cheque to the Glasgow hospice in June,

Skye  held a fundraising event during the school holidays; a “blooming great tea party” in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care. She invited friends and teachers from school, family, friends and neighbours and managed to raise £520 for the charity. It was all her own idea, she made decorations, posters, wrote invitations, baked cakes and collected money. We are very proud of what Skye has achieved!

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