Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

GIRFEC- Update

Getting It Right For Every Child

The Scottish Government is currently consulting on detailed guidance that supports parts of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014. The Act is a new law that will give children, young people and their families extra support and will encourage everyone to talk about children’s wellbeing using the same words. The consultation on the guidance is due to run until 1st May. It is mainly aimed at the people who support your child-including parents’ organisations-but individual parents are welcome to get involved if they wish.

You can take part in the consultation via this link:

GIRFEC Consultation

Keeping Parents Informed- Information Leaflet:

GIRFEC Leaflet

After School Clubs

This term, we are offering a wide variety of fun, stimulating and free after school clubs in which your child can participate. The clubs will run on the following 8 weeks:

Weeks beginning 19th, 26th of January, 2nd, 16th and 23rd February, 2nd, 16th and 23rd March.

Monday- Running Club P5-7

Monday-Gardening P4-7

Tuesday – Drama Club P5-7

Tuesday – Netball P6-7

Thursday – Movie Making P6-7

Friday – Multi sports P1-3

If your child would like to participate in any of the above  clubs, please complete and return the tear-off slip sent home today.

Active Schools- We Need You!

The aim of active schools is to offer all children and young people the opportunities and motivation to adopt active, healthy lifestyles,  now and in adulthood. We aim to do this by increasing sporting opportunities before, during and after school. To assist us we have a group of volunteers, coaches, leaders and teachers who help deliver these activities and we would like you to be part of the programme.

From active travel initiatives to helping school clubs we have roles big and small to suit your requirements. Even if you don’t have coaching certificates or qualifications we can help you get them!

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please complete the form your child has brought home from school.

Barry Cook

Senior Active School Coordinator

Health Week

Health Week will take place from Monday 16th-Friday 20th June.

The children will take part in a variety of activities throughout the week within their classrooms and with visiting specialists to the school.

Please ensure your child brings their PE Kit to school everyday unless they are on a school trip.

On Friday 20th weather permitting, we will have Sports Day.

Pupils from P1-4 will take part within the school grounds from 9.15-11am

Pupils from P5-7 will take part at St Luke’s running track from 1.30-2.40pm 

Parents are invited to join us. More details will follow in a letter from Active Schools. 

Health Week Timetable

After-school gardening Club

Gardening Club Primary4-7

Now that the raised gardens are in place, Miss Flaherty and Mrs Stewart will be running the after-school gardening club. The club will run on the following dates:

Wednesday 14th, 21st, 28th May, 4th, 11th and 18th June

There is no charge for this club however places are limited. Those children who attended last term will be given first option to return. This has been decided based on the fact that they designed, prepared seedlings and spent a lot of time on the new look. Places will still  be available to more pupils and will be offered on a first come basis.

If you would like your child to attend this club, please fully complete and return the tear-off slip on the letter issued to your child today.

Anyone for tennis?

This term we would like to offer your child the chance to take part in a free after school tennis club. The club will be run by members of the Sports Development team, here at St.Mark’s on Fridays from 3-4pm. It will run for 7 weeks on the following dates:

2nd, 9th, 16th, and 30th May, 13th, 20th June.

If your child would like to take part, please complete the tear-off slip sent home this week by Friday 25th April.