All posts by K Flaherty

After-school gardening Club

Gardening Club Primary4-7

Now that the raised gardens are in place, Miss Flaherty and Mrs Stewart will be running the after-school gardening club. The club will run on the following dates:

Wednesday 14th, 21st, 28th May, 4th, 11th and 18th June

There is no charge for this club however places are limited. Those children who attended last term will be given first option to return. This has been decided based on the fact that they designed, prepared seedlings and spent a lot of time on the new look. Places will still  be available to more pupils and will be offered on a first come basis.

If you would like your child to attend this club, please fully complete and return the tear-off slip on the letter issued to your child today.

School Art Show

Art Exhibition St Mark’s 2014

This was the second Art Event held here at St Mark’s. It was a tremendous success as before. Primary 5a were the stars of the show, they filled the role of Art Guides, served beverages, cakes and collected orders! They were confident and great ambassadors for our school, many important guests commented on their wealth of knowledge and super manners. The school choir provided a wonderful musical backdrop, it was rewarding to see so many parents and carers sit down, eating homemade cake whilst listening to the choir, surrounded by a dazzling display of whole school art work. We have a hot bed of Artistic talent here at St Mark’s!

Equalities Forum

The last Equalities Forum of session 2013/14 will take place on Thursday 15 May at 7pm in Eastwood High School. The format will be different from the usual Forum in that it will be an opportunity for those attending to hear from a few schools about the excellent practice which has been going on in the area of Equalities. There will also be some display materials from schools on show.

When Granny was a Girl

Primary 2b enjoyed a wonderful end to their topic, ‘When Granny was a Girl,’ due to an informative visit from Mrs Hallan’s ‘granny’.  The children learned lots of interesting things about schools, homes and hobbies in the past. After hearing about toys in the past, the boys and girls decided that they think life in 2014 sounds a little better.

After School Clubs

St Mark’s is offering a variety of fun, stimulating and free after school clubs in which your child can participate.


Netball – P5-7  (25 )             Running Club P5-7 (25)                  Girls Football P3-5 (20)

These clubs will be running 12th and 19th May, 2nd and 9th June.

Please note that letters for the gardening club will be issued in the coming weeks when our new garden is completed and ready for planting.

Each child has received a letter home today.If your child would like like to participate in any of theses clubs, please return the tear off slip by Wednesday 30th April.


The Easter parade will take place on Friday 25th April at 9.30am. Details are as follows:

P1 , 2 – Easter Drawing Competition. The children will decorate an easter worksheet at home .

 P3,4,5 -Easter Bonnets Competition. The children will decorate a hat at home  for this competition.

 P6,7 Easter Egg Competition. The children will decorate a HARD boiled egg at home.

One boy and one girl from each class will receive a prize for the best entry! At 2.15pm a mass will take place to celebrate the Feast of St Mark in the assembly hall. All parents and carers are welcome to both events.

Anyone for tennis?

This term we would like to offer your child the chance to take part in a free after school tennis club. The club will be run by members of the Sports Development team, here at St.Mark’s on Fridays from 3-4pm. It will run for 7 weeks on the following dates:

2nd, 9th, 16th, and 30th May, 13th, 20th June.

If your child would like to take part, please complete the tear-off slip sent home this week by Friday 25th April.

The Great Tapestry of Scotland

Please find attached detail regarding The Great Tapestry of Scotland:
The origins of Coats can be traced to the families that created the weaving and textile industries of Paisley, Scotland during the late 18th century. Above you can see a link to the Coats heritage page on their website and the very first line of that page on the website of their massive global company.
We are very keen that the children of the West of Scotland come to see The Great Tapestry of Scotland – all that it offers in depicting the amazing history of Scotland. To understand the community effort to create it, the friendships it created. Also to understand that the very wool that the entire tapestry is sewn with was bought from a Coats company – Coats started in Paisley. The Atrium that will house the Tapestry in its entirety is in one of the original mill buildings – Anchor Mill.Their heritage is far-reaching and important. There are 160 panels of history.
Elise Kelly
Weaving Musical Threads
Celebrating and facilitating – culture, heritage and inspiration