Would it surprise you to know that St. Ninians have their very own Life group and the Life group has been part of St. Ninians for seven years? The latest sponsored walk, which took place on the 9th of October, is a great way to fundraise money. The volunteers walk up to Rouken Glen Park and take a stroll around the park. The Sponsored Walk is always very well attended. There is approximately 60 pupils in Life group so through everybody helping out we can raise a lot of money. Whilst doing the Sponsored Walk you soon discover it is enjoyable to raise money in a fun way. The grand total for the Sponsored Walk is yet to be announced, however we all have high hopes. The Sponsored Walk is not the only form of fundraising the Life group partakes in: there is also the coffee morning, afternoon tea, backpacking, raffles and much more. The Life group uses the money raised to benefit many people. Often the money is “spent on buying baby items” says Mrs Carroll. The average cost of a layette is £350, within the layette there is a baby bath, nappies, sterilisation kit and clothing amongst other essentials. Not only does the money raised provide layettes for mothers in need, but a portion of the money is also donated to charities supporting life.

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