Tag Archives: pupils

Beauty and the Beast

M & M Theatrical Productions – “Beauty and the Beast”

As part of our expressive arts programme we will once again welcome M & M Theatrical Productions to the school for three performances of Beauty and the Beast.

The performances will be on Tuesday 14th January 2014.

The cost to the school is £1, 650 therefore we ask each child to contribute £2.

Please return tear off slip with payment as soon as possible.

House Netball and Football Tournaments

Recently, Primaries 6 and 7 took part in ‘House’ Football and Netball Tournaments. After a very close final, St Mungo’s house triumphed over St Andrew’s to become House Football Champions winning 6-5 on penalties. In Netball, St Conval’s house took part in a tense and exciting final , scoring with seconds remaining to defeat St Andrew’s 2-0 and be crowned House Netball Champions.

House System

Congratulations to St Andrew’s! The won house of the week last week.

The whole school took part in the house day. It was a tremendous success! The pupils took part in a number of activities, including name the mascot, design a house scarf, create a motto, house assembly and wide game. Each house took part in the wide game and St Margaret’s were winners. It was wonderful to see the older children working and helping the younger ones.

Well done one and all!

Road Safety Banner Competition

Recently, we held a competition to design a banner to highlight the drop off zone areas in our car park. Our Junior Road Safety Officers had a tough job in choosing the winner due to the amazingly high standard of all of the entries. The winner was Erin McC from P6d,  Second place went to Niamh B P7b and third place to Rebecca McI in P4b. Well done to all finalists! The brilliant banners (pictured below) can also be seen on our Road Safety Noticeboard in the MENSA area. Look out for the banners taking pride of place in our car park soon!