THE PLAYGROUND PROJECT – Active Fundraising for Active Play



‘Being unique is all about being different’

Children will be asked to choose a pebble, then design and paint it in their own unique way! They will then be able to lay their own pebble in the walkway for display in the Chestnut Garden. You will be able to view your child’s pebble in the completed display at the Parents Evenings next term!

This exciting Paint a Pebble Project will create a bright and colourful feature in the newly refreshed Chestnut Garden which will soon be open at playtime!

We will be asking for a donation of £1 per child to kickstart our campaign ‘Active Fundraising for Active Play!

The Paint a Pebble Project will take place week commencing 9th October 2017. Please support this initiative by sending your donations through ParentPay now!