Visit by Primary 7 to Lockerbie Manor 2016

Following a very successful week with last year’s Primary 7’s to Lockerbie Manor and looking forward to our visit in November with our current Primary 7, we have managed to secure the week beginning Monday 17th October – Friday 21st October inclusive in 2016 for our present Primary 6.There will be an initial meeting for parents in school, on Tuesday 22nd September from 6.30pm-7.30pm, to outline the programme for the week. We value our annual residential trip as an integral part of our Primary 7 Personal, Social Development programme, as our children prepare for the transition from Primary to Secondary School. More information on the activities offered can be found on the company website:

The cost for the visit is £260 to include transport, accommodation, activities and all meals. Pupils are required to bring a sleeping bag.

A deposit of £50 per child is required to secure the booking. This has to be paid by Friday 25th September 2015. This can be paid online via the school website from today or in school, by cash or cheque made payable to East Renfrewshire Council.

Payments can continue to be made online at any time or alternatively, in school on a monthly basis, on the last Friday of the month, from October – June 2016. The balance must be paid by the end of August 2016.If there are any parents who are in receipt of benefits or indeed anyone who requires assistance, I would ask them to contact me. Enquiries of this kind will be dealt with confidentially.