All posts by Mrs Gilchrist

Friday Bundle 26.03.21

Hello again everyone, 

We have had another busy, happy and fun filled week in school and I would firstly like to take a moment, if I may, to share a brief but lovely, heart-warming story with you.

One of the local, elderly residents, who was out a walk, stopped for a chat and told us that it’s the highlight of her day when she goes on her daily exercise passed the school and nursery buildings and hears the children’s laughter and their happy giggles and voices. She reminisced about last Autumn, when we shared the surplus apples from our nursery tree with the local community and explained that she had taken a few for herself and her friends. This lovely lady offered to donate some bedding plants to us as a very kind “thank you” gesture. It was so lovely to be able to explain our plans to her for continuing to improve all of our outdoor school and nursery spaces and also how this includes us sharing our home grown vegetables with the community once again soon too.  It was just such a lovely moment and especially so when, as she was walking off, she laughed and said ‘That’s great, I’ll be able to make a lovely pot of soup with all your veg!’ Sometimes it’s these unplanned, special moments that remind us all about what is important and the impact that our actions can have on others and our community.

We are delighted that our P7 hoodies have just arrived!  Thanks so much PTA for organising this and also for all that you, and the other parent volunteers who are continuing to give up so much time to help us to improve and enhance all of our outdoor areas- we simply can’t thank you all enough.  We will give out the hoodies to the P7 children next week and they are very welcome to wear these, as they choose, as part of their uniform and schoolwear throughout the rest of their time in Netherlee.  We hope our fantastic P7s wear them with both happiness and pride. The PTA would like to invite you all to our AGM and next meeting. The AGM will be at 7pm on the 21st April followed by their meeting. The zoom link will be circulated before the meeting. The agenda and last minutes can be found on the website. We also have some great volunteering opportunities over the Spring Holiday to help create a greener and brighter environment for our children to learn and play in. You can sign up for a task here; Netherlee PTA (

As you know, we have had a short pause in Homework, whilst our pupils have returned to school, to help and support everyone to get settled back into school and family routines.  However, we now feel confident that the time is right to reintroduce homework for all stages after the upcoming spring holiday.  Therefore homework will resume, once again using Google Classrooms,  from week beginning Monday 19th April.  As before, all instructions will be posted on Google Classrooms however there will be no need for you or your child to print anything at home.  Teachers will therefore also provide their pupils with any worksheets or books etc that they require to be able to complete their homework each week.  

I am very grateful to the Parent Council for providing me with your suggestions, via their survey, in relation to school priorities for the new session starting in August.  I will now discuss and consider your suggestions carefully with all of my staff and we will then use these to help us formulate our School and Nursery Improvement Plan for Session 2021-2022.  I will of course share more information with you on this in due course.

Just a reminder that the school will close slightly earlier on Thursday 1st April ahead of the holiday period. Children in P1 and P2 should be collected at 2.15pm from their usual gates please and children in P3-7 should be collected at 2.30pm from their usual gates and collection points too please.

[P7 Only] Attached to this email is information relating to Bikeability. Bikeability Info Letter and Map

And now for something really exciting… please see the attached letter from Netherlee’s P7 House Captains who, along with two members of staff, have worked very hard to plan and organise a fun, optional activity for our children and families to enjoy.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Please follow us @sand_nc

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson

Head Teacher

NNC Friday Bundle 26.03.21

Hello again everyone

We have had another busy, happy and fun filled week in nursery and we also have some really lovely, heart-warming news to share. One of the local, elderly residents who was out a walk stopped for a chat and told us that it’s the highlight of her day when she goes on her daily exercise passed the Acorns Nursery building and hears the children’s laughter and their happy wee giggles and voices. She reminisced about last Autumn, when we shared our surplus apples from the nursery tree with the local community and explained that she had taken a few for herself and her friends. This lovely lady offered to donate some bedding plants to us as a very kind “thank you” gesture. It was so lovely to be able to explain our plans for our new planters to her and how this includes the school and nursery sharing our home grown vegetables with the community once again too.  It was just such a lovely moment and especially so when, as she was walking off, she laughed and said ‘I’ll be able to make a lovely pot of soup with all your veg!’ Sometimes it’s these unplanned moments that remind us all about what is important and the impact that our actions can have on others.

As part of our ongoing reflection and improvements, our staff team have discussed how we plan within each nursery bubble/ zone and the ways that we share the children’s learning with you. For our planning, we always start with the interests of our children or a seasonal/cultural focus.  We really want to reflect in the Learning Links where this spark of interest has come from and why the children are engaging in particular playful learning experiences. Therefore, from today, the Learning Links we share with you will reflect this and the ways staff are extending current interests within your child’s own bubble/ zone. You will see that lots of learning experiences are on offer for our children and they can choose to be involved or engaged in a combination of child led and/ or adult led activities. We hope you find the changes to our Learning Links make it easier for you to see the opportunities available for your child and the reason (spark) which has started off the learning. As always, we welcome any feedback or any comments from you about these changes.

We would like to remind everyone that nursery closes for the spring holiday next week, with our last day being Thursday 1st April.  We are of course open until 6pm as normal however, should you wish to collect your child any earlier whilst picking up siblings from school,  we ask that you pick up either before 2.15pm or after the school playgrounds are clear from around 2.40pm.  Thank you for your help and understanding with this.

Finally, please see the attached letter from Netherlee’s P7 House Captains who, along with two members of staff, have worked very hard to plan and organise a fun, optional activity for our children and families to enjoy.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

NNC Friday Bundle 19.03.21

Hello again everyone

We hope you’ve had a good week and have enjoyed the lovely spring weather.  Our children and staff are really enjoying, and also benefitting from, so many fabulous experiences whilst back in Netherlee, including learning outdoors.  We really wanted to share these experiences with you and we therefore hope you enjoy getting a snapshot of this in our Netherlee Outdoor Learning Sway. Please click on the link  Thank you to Jilly Bell and Angela Kerr for putting this fabulous Sway together for us all to enjoy.

We are sure that your children tell you all about their love of staying for lunch and eating with their friends. Can we please ask you to quarter grapes and cherry tomatoes if providing these for your child. Please click on another useful link for interesting information about creating a healthy packed lunch and portion sizes. etc

Finally, please see an important reminder from Netherlee’s Parent Council regarding the PC survey.

Dear parents and carers, this is the final opportunity to HAVE YOUR SAY by completing our very short Parent Council Survey Netherlee Parent Survey. The survey closes on Sunday 21st March. Tell us how you would like us, the Parent Council, to communicate and what your priorities are for the school going forward.  Your opinions do matter! 

Parent Council/PTA Information Sheet

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

Friday Bundle 19.03.21

Hello again everyone

I hope you’ve had a good week and have enjoyed the lovely spring weather.

What a joy it has been this week to have Netherlee back to being more like it’s normal self again……  I simply can’t describe how happy it has made myself and the staff to hear the sound of busy, happy, bustling, noisy J, giggling children again.  Both children and staff have had a spring in our step and smiles on our faces.  We have and will, of course, continue to support any of our pupils who have been a little unsettled and have needed some reassurance or support in any way over the past days.  We very much rely on your help with this too so please do get in touch with us at any time- no matter is ever too small and it is so much better for your child if you let us know as early as possible if they need any help at all.   We have many different methods and strategies to support our children and families whether this is in line with any aspect of learning and attainment or with having a more positive mental health and wellbeing eg anxiety, anger, bereavement, nutrition etc and we will always do all that we can to help.

We are going to introduce a new ongoing Uniform Recycling Scheme very soon and I will share more information about this before we stop for the upcoming holiday.   Meanwhile, we would be very grateful if you could hold onto any uniform items which are in good condition and that your child has grown out of.  Thank you.

Our children and staff are really enjoying, and also benefitting from, so many fabulous experiences whilst being back in Netherlee, including learning outdoors.  We really wanted to share these experiences with you and we therefore hope you enjoy getting a snapshot of this in our Netherlee Outdoor Learning Sway. Please click on the link  Thank you to two of my Principal Teachers- Jilly Bell and Angela Kerr, for putting this fabulous Sway together for us all to enjoy.

Now that we are moving forwards again into more normal times, I am very keen to ensure that my weekly Friday updates are useful, informative and helpful to you.  I would therefore really like and appreciate you getting in touch with me if there is anything in particular, of a more general matter, that you would like me to describe or explain a little to parents.  This can be about, for example, an area of the curriculum or a particular target in our School and Nursery Improvement Plan (SNIP).  Netherlee’s SNIP is always available to view on the school/ nursery website within the Information Tab- please do let me know.

Finally, please see an important reminder from Netherlee’s Parent Council regarding the PC survey.

Dear parents and carers, this is the final opportunity to HAVE YOUR SAY by completing our very short Parent Council Survey Netherlee Parent Survey. The survey closes on Sunday 21st March. Tell us how you would like us, the Parent Council, to communicate and what your priorities are for the school going forward.  Your opinions do matter! 

Parent Council/PTA Information Sheet

Enjoy this lovely weather everyone and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

NNC Friday Bundle 12.03.21

Hello everyone,

We hope you have enjoyed the opportunity to talk with staff this week on the phone and that it has been reassuring to know that your child has settled back into their nursery routine and is engaging in lots of play with friends. If you would like the opportunity to discuss anything further with staff please just let us know via email and we can get back in touch with you.

At a time when we are all experiencing ongoing, uncertain times, positive mental health has never been so important. East Renfrewshire Council has developed a guide, Healthier Minds, to promote the mental well-being of our children and young people. This resource aims to help you find the information needed to support your child to meet life’s common challenges and to develop resilience. Please click here to access if you would like to find out more:  or, as always please get in touch if  you need further help as we’re always here to listen and may also be able to point you in the right direction of other supports available.

We are really looking forward to having a really busy, bustling school next week as P4-7 return after their further period of remote learning.    Please help us to keep everyone safe by continuing to wear a face covering at drop off and collection times  and by moving away from the buildings, gates and surrounding areas very quickly after you have collected your child from nursery- thank you.  Next Friday afternoon, the Netherlee House Captains have planned some exciting fun activities for the children of Netherlee to enjoy- this is to recognise Red Nose Day and also to simply enjoy having fun- back together again in Netherlee.  Please see the attached flyer for details.

The next Netherlee Parent Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 31st March at 7pm.  Please click on the Parents tab on our school and nursery website to access the Parent Council section.  This is where you will be able to view the agenda for this upcoming meeting as well as other Parent Council information. Please also see the message below from the Parent Council.

The Parent Council and PTA have recently appointed new members and actively wish to engage you, our Parent Forum. Please see the attached flyer which explains the focus of each committee and how you can get involved.

Also, just a reminder to all parents to HAVE YOUR SAY and please complete our very short Parent Council Survey Netherlee Parent Survey. Tell us how you would like us to communicate and what your priorities are for the school and nursery going forward.  Your opinions do matter! 

We hope you have a lovely weekend with your family- please remember to access Google Classroom for our weekly Learning Links.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

Friday Bundle 12.03.21

Hello everyone,

Well we have made it and it’s almost time to have all of our wonderful children reunited again in Netherlee.  Our P1-3 and nursery children have settled in very well indeed and I am certain that my teachers and staff will make sure that this is also the case for our P4-7 children too.   Thank you if you have got in touch with us over the last couple of weeks to discuss any questions or concerns that you have had about your own child… please continue to do this- just as we have throughout this period of remote learning, we will of course continue to work in close partnership with all parents in order to ensure that our children feel safe, happy, confident and ready to learn.  P4-7 parents- I hope you found the information that I shared with you mid-week helpful and informative.  As always, if anything needs tweaking or we need to have a rethink about any aspect of, for example, collection and drop off procedures then we will of course do so and your suggestions on this are always helpful and very welcome too.  Once again I would like to sincerely thank you as parents, and also the many grandparents, siblings and friends, as well as of course my fantastic and skilful teachers and staff – this combined effort and dedication has supported our children, and each other, very well indeed during this extraordinary time.  I hope you all… at that moment on Monday morning… at 9.01am… you put the kettle on and… breathe, knowing that you have done a phenomenal job and that your child is busy and happy seeing their friends again and getting settled back into school life! J.

We will of course be holding our parent/ teacher meetings before the end of the school year- these will take place towards the end of May/ beginning of June.  We have moved these slightly later than usual in order to give your child’s teacher enough time to have gathered lots of information on how your child is getting on now that they are back in school.   I am not yet able to give you any further information in relation to the format of these meetings but I will, of course share this with you in the coming weeks.  You will also receive your child’s End of Year Progress Report and we intend to have these ready to send home to you before the Parent / Teacher meeting so that you can use the information contained in the report to aid your discussion with your child’s teacher.  We hope this will make the meeting really useful and helpful for everyone.

Next Friday afternoon, the Netherlee House Captains have planned some exciting fun activities for the children of Netherlee to enjoy- this is to recognise Red Nose Day and also to simply enjoy having fun- back together again in Netherlee.  House Captains Red Nose Day.

The next Netherlee Parent Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 31st March at 7pm.  Please click on the Parents tab on our school and nursery website to access the Parent Council section.  This is where you will be able to view the agenda for this upcoming meeting as well as other Parent Council information. Please also see the message below from the Parent Council.

The Parent Council and PTA have recently appointed new members and actively wish to engage you, our Parent Forum. Please see the attached flyer which explains the focus of each committee and how you can get involved. Also, just a reminder to all parents to HAVE YOUR SAY and please complete our very short Parent Council Survey Netherlee Parent Survey. Tell us how you would like us to communicate and what your priorities are for the school and nursery going forward.  Your opinions do matter! 

Finally, please help us to keep everyone safe by continuing to wear a face covering at drop off and collection times and by moving away from the buildings, gates and surrounding areas very quickly after you have collected your child from school-thank you.

I hope you have a lovely weekend everyone.

Please follow us on Twitter @sand_nc

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson

Head Teacher

Friday Bundle 05.03.21

Hello everyone,

We are so relieved and pleased that we will, once again and very soon, be a complete school and nursery community with the return of our P4-7 pupils on 15th March.  This is a very welcome step and we really can’t wait to see them, and to have all of our children and staff united again within Netherlee.  We are just finalising our plans for the P4-7 return and I will of course send further, more practical information eg early/exit gates out to parents who have children in these year groups, next week- hopefully on either Tuesday or Wednesday.  I would like to give the P4-7 teachers an opportunity to come into school one day next week, ahead of the return on 15th March in order to prepare their classrooms for welcoming the children back.  As such, I have allocated each stage of teachers a day for this – P4 Monday 8th, P5 Tuesday 9th, P6 Wednesday 10th and P7 Thursday 11th  and on each appropriate day, teachers will of course still provide remote learning for the children which will be posted on GC in the usual way, however there will be no live meets for that one day. Thank you for your support and understanding with this.

You can see from the below and attached, that this week’s update includes some very interesting and useful information from both Netherlee’s Parent Council and PTA as well as a letter from our Director of Education, Mark Ratter and as such I am going to keep my contribution into this week’s email bundle slightly shorter than usual.

Firstly from our Parent Council…

Have your say!
The Parent Council is keen to get the views of all parents.  They have created a very short survey to look at how parents can most easily engage with the Parent Council. There is also a very important question to find out what your priorities are for the school going forward.

The results of the survey will be used by the Parent Council to guide ongoing communications with the parent body and to direct the focus of discussions for the next year.  Mrs Donaldson is keen for the findings to also be shared with herself and school and nursery staff in order that they can be taken into consideration when putting together the School and Nursery Improvement Plan (SNIP) for the coming year, Session 2021-2022.

The findings will be fed back to all parents so that you can see how your views are being used.

Thank you very much for your time in completing this survey which can be accessed at the link below.  Your opinions really do count.

The survey will be closed in the evening of Sunday 21st March.  If you wish to contact the Parent Council at all in the meantime, then please don’t hesitate to email:   Also, please find attached the first issue of the new Parent Council Newsletter.

And now from the PTA…

Please see the attached flyer for the PTA March events. Thank you to the P5-7 pupils for completing the survey which has allowed us to plan some events you will enjoy. The PTA zoom links for the P1-4 discos will be circulated again by WhatsApp and school mail. The link to register for any of the P5-7 PTA events is Netherlee PTA (  All the events are provided free. If you can donate to the PTA then please do so on the following link;

And finally, back to myself….

Over the course of the next few weeks, I will include in my Friday Updates some, hopefully useful, descriptions around how we are, and will continue to, support the children with both their well being and their learning and also how we will deliver the curriculum moving forwards.

​Thank you to those parents who have got in touch with us to share any important information in relation to their child and how they have settled back into school if in P1-3, or ahead of your P4-7 child returning to school soon.  We are here to help and appreciate that many of our children will have lots of conflicting emotions right now so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us in relation to this or any other matter.

​Have a lovely weekend everyone.  Take care.

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson

Head Teacher

Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class

NNC Friday Bundle 05.03.21

Hello everyone,

We’ve had a really lovely week with the children having so much fun while playing with the outside taps, making sock puppets or paper bag puppets, baking, exploring with shaving foam, using tools and being very busy wee people! You may notice that lots of soil has been delivered to the Acorn garden. We are really excited to share that this area is being developed into a growing space for fruit and vegetables. In the next few weeks we will be having raised beds built and then the fun will start as we prepare for the growing season. In preparation, one of our wonderful parents, Helen Cross and her family, have very kindly planted fruit trees and berry bushes in the garden. We also had two wormeries delivered, one for each nursery building, and have been learning about how to feed and care for our new, wriggly residents.  These fantastic opportunities are being provided as the school and nursery applied for, and were granted, a financial award from the Scottish Government’s Community Climate Asset Fund.

As you know, we often ask for feedback from you and we are always grateful of suggestions from parents. One of the parents kindly asked us to remind everyone to go on Google Classroom as this is where you will find the weekly ‘Learning Links’.

We would like to remind you that children who attend nursery between 9am and 3pm must be collected just before 3pm please. If you have children to collect from primary school please collect your nursery child first, prior to collecting from school. The children who are in nursery after 3pm are only those who attend 8am-6pm.  Thank you.

Recently we’ve been buying lots of baking or cooking ingredients, items for the garden, woodwork tools, wood, compost and lots of other exciting resources for the children.  Our voluntary nursery fund, £2.00 per week or £20 per term, is your contribution to enable us to continue to be able to buy the children’s daily morning snack and to offer a wide range of resources to the children. We appreciate that these are difficult times financially for lots of families and we really appreciate any contribution you can make at this time. Contributions can be paid through ParentPay. If you have forgotten your ParentPay login details please just let the school office know, via email, and we can very easily help with this. Again thank you.

Next week our staff will be phoning parents to share information about how your child has settled back into their nursery routine as we know that transitions can be tricky for some children. Mrs Flower has responsibility for medication in nursery and will be calling some parents to review the procedures for administration of medication in nursery.

Below and attached, is some very interesting and useful information from Netherlee’s Parent Council and also a letter from our Director of Education, Mark Ratter.

From Netherlee’s Parent Council…

Have your say!
The Parent Council is keen to get the views of all parents.  They have created a very short survey to look at how parents can most easily engage with the Parent Council. There is also a very important question to find out what your priorities are for the school going forward.

The results of the survey will be used by the Parent Council to guide ongoing communications with the parent body and to direct the focus of discussions for the next year.  Mrs Donaldson is keen for the findings to also be shared with herself and school and nursery staff in order that they can be taken into consideration when putting together the School and Nursery Improvement Plan (SNIP) for the coming year, Session 2021-2022.

The findings will be fed back to all parents so that you can see how your views are being used.

Thank you very much for your time in completing this survey which can be accessed at the link below.  Your opinions really do count.

The survey will be closed in the evening of Sunday 21st March.  If you wish to contact the Parent Council at all in the meantime, then please don’t hesitate to email:   Also, please find attached the first issue of the new Parent Council Newsletter.

​We hope you have a lovely weekend with your family.

​Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

NNC Friday Bundle 26.02.21

Hello everyone,

What a lovely week! We’ve so enjoyed listening to the squeals of delight, chatter, laughter and fun that the children have had during their first week back. We have really focused this week on children reconnecting with friends, exploring the layout of nursery, being more independent and feeling comfortable with their familiar adults. After the anticipation that some may be a little unsettled, most of the children really quickly got back to messy play, digging in the mud, splashing in puddles, building or chatting to friends and staff, as if they have never been away. Our staff have commented on how lovely it is to be able to see the children again in real-life, to give hugs and to catch-up on all the things that have happened in their lives since December.

We have also welcomed some new children to nursery this week too and we have loved having them join our Netherlee community.

Recently we applied for £1000 funding from Scottish Government for outdoor clothing and we are delighted to confirm that the application was successful. We are really keen to buy the most robust, hardwearing waterproofs for the children and would welcome your suggestions of brands, best buys or useful websites.

We would like to share some information for anyone who would like to dip into some free online learning modules that may be of interest for you to complete at your own pace.  These are available on the site in a range of languages too.

  • Understanding pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby
  • Understanding your baby
  • Understanding your child
  • Understanding your teenager’s brain
  • Understanding your child with Additional Support Needs

The resource has a series of modules containing interactive resources, quizzes and video clips. It focuses on developing nurturing and supportive relationships between parents/carers and their children. For further information, or to access Solihull Online please follow this link: Press the ‘enter code’ button and use the access code ‘tartan’ to access.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and that your wee ones come back next week full of energy for the start of a new week and a new month.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

Friday Bundle 26.02.21

Hello everyone,

We have so enjoyed seeing the happy faces of our P1-3 children and listening to all the chatter, laughter and fun that they have had during their week back in school. The teachers and staff have really focused this week on the children reconnecting with their friends and re-establishing lots of familiar routines.  After the anticipation that some of the children may be a little unsettled, they have once again shown their tremendous resilience and have really quickly got back into the swing of things- as if they have never been away.  The staff have commented on how lovely it is to be able to see the children again in real-life and it is so personally heart-warming for me when I walk round the school and can once again hear the sound of busy, productive and happy children and staff, enjoying being together and engaging in collaborative face to face learning once more.  We would be very grateful if any P1-3 child who still has school books, resources or digital devices that have been borrowed from school, could please return these to us as soon as possible.  Many thanks.

We have also welcomed some new children into the Netherlee Community during this lockdown period and your child may very well mention the name of a new friend who has joined their class. The period of lockdown and home schooling has been so very tricky for all parents but especially for any new parents to the school and so, a small request… if you notice a new adult’s unfamiliar face standing waiting for a child at pick up or drop off time, maybe you could introduce yourself (socially distanced of course) as it really has been very difficult for new families to the area to make new friends during these past months.  Thanks for your help with ensuring that all new children and parents receive a warm welcome into our wonderful Netherlee Community. J

I would like to share some information for any parent who would like to dip into some free online learning modules that may be of interest for you to complete at your own pace.  Please note that these are available on the website below in a range of different languages.

  • Understanding your child
  • Understanding your teenager’s brain
  • Understanding your child with Additional Needs

The resource has a series of modules containing interactive resources, quizzes and video clips. It focuses on developing nurturing and supportive relationships between parents/carers and their children. For further information, or to access Solihull Online please follow this link:  Press the ‘enter code’ button and use the access code ‘tartan’ to access.

The ERC Educational Psychology Service is delivering three online one-hour parent sessions in March (please see attachment for details and how to sign up). The aim of these will be to explore how Covid has impacted, and how some children and young people think, feel and behave, and to discuss ways in which parents can support their child through the current challenges. The sessions will refer to ERC’s Healthier Minds Website and resources and will involve input from partners across East Renfrewshire who support children and young people’s mental wellbeing.

We are very hopeful that our P4-7 children will be able to return to in school learning very soon too and, following the Scottish Governments update in relation to this on Tuesday of next week, I will include some information about this in next week’s email.  We are desperate to get our middle school and senior pupils back with us again in Netherlee and fully appreciate how hard this continues to be for them and you.  The teachers are doing their very best to try to keep their pupils’ motivation levels high by providing lots of fun activities during the live meets each day, but we know that nothing can truly replicate being back in the building altogether again.  Fingers, and toes, crossed that it is safe and we get the go ahead and green light for this confirmed next week.

A parent has been in touch with me to request that dogs are kept on a lead if bringing them to the gates and surrounding areas at pick up and drop off times.   I am of course happy to support this request in order to help to keep everyone safe and also to recognise that some children and adults may be a little of scared of dogs who are off lead.  Many thanks for your help and understanding with this.

Also attached is information in relation to World Book Day and a Book Token too.

Thank you for continuing to get in touch with myself and the staff regularly with any questions you have or in relation to your child.  Please do continue to do this as it means we can resolve any matters very quickly and can help and support with things as they arise.  This is what we are all here for and is a very important part of making sure that the children in Netherlee are well cared for, happy, settled and making good progress in all aspects of their learning.


Take care and have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Yvonne Donaldson

Friday Bundle 19.02.21

Hello again everyone,

If you have a child in P1-3, I hope that you have found the information shared with you earlier in the week useful.  The teachers have been in school this week and we are all ready and very much looking forward to seeing our P1-3 children on Monday.  As the children will be enjoying lots of playing and learning outdoors, we would be very grateful if you could please provide your child with a change of outdoor footwear suitable for all weathers. These can, if you wish and it is easier for you, be left in school and we ask that they’re put in a named plastic bag so that they’re easily identified. Thank you. I hope all your wee ones are looking forward to Monday as much as myself and the staff are. 🙂

For our P4-7 children who will be continuing to use our Hub provision going forwards, we are planning to take our pupils outdoors, as often as possible, to take part in P.E. lessons and outdoor learning in order to provide an additional challenge and enjoyment to their learning, as well as being mindful of course of promoting positive health and well-being. We would therefore be very grateful if these children could bring a change of outdoor footwear, in a plastic bag, and a warm jacket with them to school whenever they are joining us in the hub each week. Thank you for your help and support with this.

As we continue to provide Remote Learning for our P4-7 children just now, we have been very keen to take on board any suggestions and feedback from children, parents and also of course my staff in order to ensure that we are mindful of the ongoing well-being of all.  Thank you to the parents who were able to join us at the live parent meets this week and for sharing your ongoing very positive comments and also some useful ideas and suggestions which have been great too.  We are therefore going to introduce a “Step Away Friday Fun Time” for stages P4-7. During this afternoon, the children will be provided with a variety of non-screen activities to complete and teachers will ask the children to choose what they would like to engage in for the afternoon.  These will include some suggestions for getting outdoors, art work, listening to set pieces of music, yoga, following a special interest project and lots more ideas but… they won’t involve looking at a screen.  Teachers will really look forward to hearing from their children throughout the week, what they have been choosing to do during the Friday afternoons and will explain this more fully to their classes on their Google Classroom.  We hope that the children will enjoy these activities and that this will also allow some breathing space for families.

East Renfrewshire Active Schools are challenging anyone with a connection to East Renfrewshire – school pupils, parents, grandparents, staff – to walk, cycle or run to Tokyo (5759 miles) and they would like your help! Active Schools are tracking the miles using an app called STRAVA.  If your family would like to take part in this challenge, it is free to sign up for a STRAVA account. Strava will ask you if you want to pay for the app – but there is no need to as the free app is absolutely fine for this challenge. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: To download and use the STRAVA app you need to be at least 13 years old, so an adult will need to download the app and accompany primary children while they are taking part, making this a family challenge rather than solely for our pupils. More information and details on this challenge can be found in the attached document ‘Let’s Get to Tokyo’.

Each year, East Renfrewshire Education Department produces their Standards and Quality Report for the previous school session, in this case 2019-20. If you would like to read the report, you can do so by clicking on this link

Have a good weekend everyone, take good care of yourself and also each other, please get in touch at any time if you need anything at all or if you would like to discuss anything to do with your own child.

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson

NNC Friday Bundle 12.02.21

Hello everyone,

We hope that the snow didn’t interrupt too many of your plans this week and that you took the time to be able to just have some fun. Sometimes it’s good to put all your plans to one side and just laugh, feel the cold on your cheeks and appreciate the simple things, we know we did while playing with the children in the snow in the Hub on Wednesday morning.

This morning nursery staff have attended a virtual puppetry workshop hosted by Starcatchers, Scotland’s National Arts & Early Years Organisation. We are working with Starcatchers to devise activities to develop creativity both indoors and outdoors and in the local community. We will be in touch soon to share resources and activities to try at home or in the local community. If you would like to find out more about the work of Starcatchers please click on the link:

We hope that your family will really enjoy joining in a Google Classroom Bookbug session with Mrs Flower and Mrs Greig next week. We would also like to say thank you to one of our nursery parents who had a great suggestion. As such, we look forward to sharing lots of recordings produced by various staff, from your child’s building, reading stories on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in addition to our usual daily Google Meet. We’re sure your child will love seeing some more familiar faces in addition to their keyworkers.

We are pleased to advise that the new online Early Learning and Childcare application process is now live for new three or four year old children on the East Renfrewshire Council website:   Applications require to be submitted by 28 February 2021.

If you have any enquiries regarding changing attendance patterns or days for 2021/21 please direct them to

We will be in touch again towards the middle of next week, subject to the First Minister’s update on Tuesday regarding the arrangements for nursery children’s return on Monday 22nd February. We also look forward to seeing you, if you are able to join us, on Thursday morning at 10am for our second Live Parent/ Carer Meet.  Link to follow.

Have a lovely weekend with your family everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

Friday Bundle 12.02.21

Hello again everyone,

I hope you have all managed to enjoy some fun outdoors, playing or relaxing in the beautiful snowy weather that we have had recently.  If you pop onto our Twitter Feed you may even see some school and nursery staff having fun in the snow ourselves this morning. J

As this has been a short week, and also as we are currently waiting on the next Scottish Government update on Tuesday, I don’t really have a great deal to update you on this week.  I will of course be in touch again next week to share any relevant information in relation to this update.  If it is decided by the Scottish Government that P1-3 children will return to school on 22nd Feb, I would like to give the P1-3 teachers an opportunity to come into school ahead of this date, in order to prepare their classrooms for welcoming the children back.  As such, I have allocated each stage of teachers a day for this – P1 Wednesday 17th, P2 Thursday 18th and P3 Friday 19th, and on each appropriate day teachers will of course still provide remote learning for the children which will be posted on GC in the usual way, however there will be no live meets for that one day. Thank you for your support and understanding with this.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming all parents and carers who would like to, and are able to, join the Leadership Team at the next round of Live Google Parent Meets over the course of the next two weeks – the link for these will be sent out to you the evening before.  Please remember, these are informal opportunities for you to “come along” and ask any general questions that you may have just now.  As always, if you would like to discuss your own child, please do get in touch with us and we will be happy to help in any way that we can.

The next Netherlee Parent Council Meeting will take place, virtually, on Wednesday 24th February 2021 at 7pm (agenda to follow).


Have a good weekend everyone, take care.

Mrs Donaldson

NNC Friday Bundle 04.02.21

Hi everyone

We hope that if you have been able to join in with your child on any of our daily Google Meets that you were pleased with how responsive staff were to the interests and “chat” of children. Whether encouraging them to share their news, reciting nursery rhymes solo (as no one joined in!  J), playing French games or singing the children’s favourite songs and dancing, the staff have shown such enthusiasm and commitment to making the children feel listened to and connected to each other and the nursery during this unusual time. We are very proud of how the children have grown in confidence while attending the daily Google Meets and how they happily talk to each other and share news about life at home.

If you haven’t yet had the chance to pop in to the meets, these sessions are a really good way for your child to re-connect with some of their friends and their teachers. Please do get in touch if you need any help with how to get this set up etc.  We look forward to seeing lots of the children again soon at our Google Meets which are at 2.30pm each day from Wednesday 10th February.

As it is a holiday weekend we will post our next ‘Learning Links and Home Learning Ideas’ on the Google Classroom on Tuesday 9th February at 7pm.

Have a lovely, long weekend.

Warm regards

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)

Friday Bundle 04.02.21

Hello everyone

Just a slightly shorter email from me today ahead of the In-service Day tomorrow and the long weekend holiday on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

I am sure you will agree it will be nice to be able to switch off our digital devices, at least for some of the time each day and to relax and try to unwind a little from all of the busy, tight schedules and routines that you, and we, are all living through right now.   I know that I have said this already however I really do want to thank you once again for your enormous support, time and energy over the last weeks since returning to school and nursery in January.  I really do take my hat off to each and every one of you, as well as of course my fantastic staff and pupils- what a Netherlee Team!  Whilst I completely agree that none of this is or has been easy for any of us, together we have been able to do our very best to keep the Netherlee children safe and well whilst also moving their learning forwards.  I know how much they really enjoy and benefit from being able to see their teachers and friends during the live meets and please believe me when I say how much the teachers value being able to see their children too and being able to make sure they are “OK” – this really does means a great deal to the staff as well.

Please find attached the dates for our next round of Live Parent/ Carer Drop In Meets.  We will still go ahead with the P1, P2 and P3 sessions too as I feel this will be a good opportunity for any parents within these year groups to have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have in relation to the scheduled return to school.  The P4-7 sessions will be similar in format to the last round so we look forward to seeing anyone who is able to “virtually drop in” then.

With the 6 Nations starting on Saturday, Mr Aitken has started a virtual rugby club for P5-7. This will run for the duration of the 6 Nations. Details of how to join the club can be found in your child’s Google Classroom. Active Schools have challenged us to name a team of the week during the 6 Nations. Mr Aitken and the children in the club will choose their team of the week and share this and other fun facts each week through a ThinkLink –

In January the Specialist Children’s Services Community Occupational Therapy Team launched an advice line where parents/carers, school staff, social care staff, voluntary organisations or other health professionals can seek advice and support for children and young people who are having difficulty joining in with the activities that they need and want to do every day. Please follow this link to find the new advice line:

So, have a lovely, long weekend everyone.  I will be in touch again next week and I will hopefully also be able to share some more detail in relation to our nursery and P1-3 pupils returning to school, if it is safe to do so of course, on 22nd February.

Warmest regards

Mrs Donaldson


NNC Friday Bundle 29.01.20

Hi everyone,

We’ve had another fun and busy week in our nursery hub with staff hosting the daily Google Meets and recording videos for our children – we hope that your child is continuing to enjoy taking part and seeing their keyworkers on line while learning at home.  Please be assured that we understand what home life is like for everyone at the moment, the nursery staff are, just like you, trying to juggle work with being a parent, grandparent, wife, husband or carer whilst also supporting their own children’s school work and caring for the needs of their own wee ones too. So, please don’t let the Home Learning Ideas or Learning Links we share and suggest to you put any extra pressure on your family just now while we all try to keep our children happy and safe. Everyone’s circumstances are very different and we really do appreciate this fact. This time will pass so please just do what you can and try to enjoy having this extra time with your wee ones, read a story, go for a walk or play a game – this is all learning for your child and they will love doing this with you.

We are pleased to advise that the new online Early Learning and Childcare application process is now live for new three or four year old children on the East Renfrewshire Council website:  Allocations are for 2 years at a Local Authority setting therefore parents/carers of children who are currently in their ante-pre year and those who have deferred their child’s school place will not require to apply for the pre-school year.  Applications require to be submitted by 28 February 2021.  If you have any enquiries please direct them to

We would like to remind you that Fri 5th Feb is an In-Service Day and Mon 8th and Tues 9th Feb are holidays and we won’t have any Google Meets or provide any Home Learning Ideas for these days.

Please get in touch if you need anything at all or if you would just like a friendly chat!  J

Have a lovely weekend with your family everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)


Friday Bundle 29.01.21

Hello again everyone,

We’ve had another fun and busy week both in our school hub and also continuing to provide learning at home.  Please do say “hi” to all of our wonderful children from myself and all the staff, we are missing them so much in school but we are thoroughly enjoying seeing them on their live meets with their teachers or on the live assemblies with the leadership team.  Please remind them often, from us, that they are doing really well with learning at home and, when the time is right, the doors to the Netherlee classrooms will be wide open again for them – we can’t wait!

We are really excited to be recognising that it is “Languages Week, Scotland” next week. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrating Scotland’s Languages Landscape’ with the aim of amplifying the voices of Scotland’s people and celebrating multilingualism within our Scottish communities. Our children will have a range of fun and interesting activities to choose from to hone their language skills and also to share languages from home.  We would love to be able to celebrate what you are doing throughout the week too so please feel free to share anything on our Netherlee Twitter @sand_nc and please also use the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages .

We are currently arranging our next round of live “Drop In” sessions for parents and I will share the dates and timings of these with you next week.  Meanwhile, please continue to get in touch to provide ongoing feedback, suggestions or comments in relation to any aspect of learning or your child in general – whether it be with learning at home or in our hub.  Your comments are very helpful to us and these help us to reflect and tweak things, where we can, as we go along.

I am really pleased that many of you have been in touch to request jotters and other bits and pieces of resources.  Please continue to do this, we have everything here in school – so just pop us a quick email and my wonderful office staff will get in touch to help gather the items your child needs.   Please also keep the jotters that your children are using at home, the teachers will most definitely want and need these as a useful assessment tool once our children are back in school.

Just a wee reminder that Fri 5th Feb is an In-Service Day and Mon 8th and Tues 9th Feb are, I’m sure you will agree, much needed holidays and we will therefore welcome all children back on line to continue home learning on Wednesday 10th February.

Please also remember that you are not alone – please reach out if you or your child needs to – we are here and ready to help or even just to listen and have a friendly chat.

Warmest wishes,

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

Friday Bundle 29.01.21

Hello again everyone,

We’ve had another fun and busy week both in our school hub and also continuing to provide learning at home.  Please do say “hi” to all of our wonderful children from myself and all the staff, we are missing them so much in school but we are thoroughly enjoying seeing them on their live meets with their teachers or on the live assemblies with the leadership team.  Please remind them often, from us, that they are doing really well with learning at home and, when the time is right, the doors to the Netherlee classrooms will be wide open again for them – we can’t wait!

We are really excited to be recognising that it is “Languages Week, Scotland” next week. This year’s theme is ‘Celebrating Scotland’s Languages Landscape’ with the aim of amplifying the voices of Scotland’s people and celebrating multilingualism within our Scottish communities. Our children will have a range of fun and interesting activities to choose from to hone their language skills and also to share languages from home.  We would love to be able to celebrate what you are doing throughout the week too so please feel free to share anything on our Netherlee Twitter @sand_nc and please also use the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages .

We are currently arranging our next round of live “Drop In” sessions for parents and I will share the dates and timings of these with you next week.  Meanwhile, please continue to get in touch to provide ongoing feedback, suggestions or comments in relation to any aspect of learning or your child in general – whether it be with learning at home or in our hub.  Your comments are very helpful to us and these help us to reflect and tweak things, where we can, as we go along.

I am really pleased that many of you have been in touch to request jotters and other bits and pieces of resources.  Please continue to do this, we have everything here in school – so just pop us a quick email and my wonderful office staff will get in touch to help gather the items your child needs.   Please also keep the jotters that your children are using at home, the teachers will most definitely want and need these as a useful assessment tool once our children are back in school.

Warmest wishes,

Mrs Yvonne Donaldson

NNC Friday Bundle 22.01.21

Hello everyone

Thank you to the parents who joined us for the first ‘Google Meet Drop In’ on Tuesday and who shared some feedback and suggestions with us. It’s really great to hear that children look forward to seeing their friends and teachers during the live meets and that the weekly ‘Learning Links’ and ‘Home Learning Ideas’ are being used to scaffold the day’s activities. We were asked if paper copies of the Learning Links and Home Learning Ideas could be printed as it is sometimes easier to read a paper copy or to tick off some of the suggested ideas. We are of course happy to help with this so, from Monday 25th January and each Monday going forwards, we will have paper copies available on a table in the school foyer between 9am and 3pm.  Please feel free to pop in to collect a paper copy if this would be helpful.  Please remember to wear a face covering and to socially distance where appropriate.

It was also lovely to hear that a few of our nursery children have asked for ‘real work’. To quote the famous theorists, Marie Montessori, ‘play is the work of the child’ and while children might not realise that they are learning, they really are through all the day to day activities, household chores and play experiences you provide. While your children are busy exploring everything around them or taking part in the suggested home learning activities they are absorbing concepts through experiencing them, just like they would if they were in the nursery building learning with us.   

We are really delighted to be able to share that we have been selected to be part of the Virtual Nature School initiative.  As such, due to the current lockdown Virtual Nature School is providing us with a suite of outdoor play and learning resources which can be used by practitioners and parents as part of their home learning package. Please find attached a flyer for parents which explains how Virtual Nature School materials can be used to support outdoor, home learning experiences during this time.

We really do appreciate and understand that these are challenging times for everyone- juggling working from home, providing essential services, missing family or catering for the needs of different age groups of children. Please remember that there is no expectation that all suggested home learning activities are completed and we really do understand the pressures. Just do what you can- the most important thing that your child needs is just having you as a loving, happy and not too stressed parent, so please don’t be too hard on yourself right now.  

As well as having us to speak to or contact, ERC have the ‘Family First’ team who can signpost parents to helplines, advice, training or useful websites. Please click on the link to access more information:

We have been asked to share the latest oral health newsletter which contains some really useful information on nutrition and snacks for young children. Please click on the link to access the Sway:

If you have not applied for a place for P1 please do so now…the closing date is today 22nd January. J

Please use this link to see the Scottish Virtual Nature School Brochure for ideas for outdoor learning Scottish Virtual Nature Schools Brochure

We hope you have a good weekend, try to spend lots of time outdoors if you can, and enjoy a well-earned break. We’ll be back in touch next week but please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at any time.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (Nursery PT)