Category Archives: Parents

School Transport Arrangements – Week beginning 15/03/2021

Pupils entitled to School Transport should by now, have been invited to book journeys for their return to school next week.

You will receive confirmation of these bookings by text later today.

The booking system will close over this afternoon at 3pm, as it will not be possible to process further applications before travel on Monday. If changes are required parents should email detailing the pupil name, school and the requested change. Parents will be informed directly when this can be accommodated.

Due to the 1 meter social distancing rule on buses it is important that your child only travels on the vehicle they have been allocated.

In addition, please make your child aware of the following procedures that are required to be adhered to during the journey:

· Facemasks require to be worn on all school transport
· Pupils should sanitise their hands prior to boarding
· No eating or drinking is permitted on any school transport
· Social Distancing of 1M should be observed both boarding and on School Buses
· Pupil transport should only be used by pupils who have pre-booked their place and received confirmation
· It is not possible to accommodate Privilege Pass / Paying places until all social distancing on school transport is removed

Henry Crawford Contract (5701G)
Morning Attendance – Normal pick up times
Afternoon Attendance – Pick up at 12.10pm at Hill Drive then onto the following stops – Eglinton Arms Hotel, Glasgow Road, Humbie Road

Abbey Coaches Eaglesham (5704G)
Morning Attendance – Normal pick up times
Afternoon Attendance – Pick up at 12.15pm at top of Polnoon Street then onto the following stops – Polnoon at Quarry Lane, Polnoon at Mid Road, last pick at Gilmour Street bus stop Humbie Road

Abbey Coaches Waterfoot (5702G)
Morning Attendance – Normal pick up times
Afternoon Attendance – Pick up at 12.15pm at bus stop on Glasgow Road at East Brackenrig Road then onto the following stops – Glasgow Road bus stop Floors Road and Glasgow Road at Craighlaw Avenue

Gary Nicol Transport
Morning Attendance – Normal pick up times
Afternoon Attendance – For Carrot Farm and Cottage – pick up time will be 12.10pm and Craighlaw Avenue at 12.25pm

If you have any questions relating to the allocation of transport, please make contact via the email address noted above.

Skills Development Scotland’s Parent and Carers Research

Skills Development Scotland would like to know what parents and carers think about Scotland’s careers services.

Feedback from the parent and carer survey will be shared with partner organisations.

Enter the SDS parent and carer survey on careers services:

The survey will close at 5pm on 31 May 2021

The aim of this research is to ask parents and carers about their awareness and use of Skills Development Scotland services and how they talk to their child about careers. This information will allow SDS to better understand the needs of parents & carers and to better shape our services. The questions should take around 10 minutes to complete.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body, we provide:

• career information, advice and guidance in every state secondary school in Scotland

• career information, advice and guidance in our career centres across Scotland

• My World of Work, our careers website

• My Kid’s Career, our website for parents and carers providing information to help you support your child with career choices, our website on apprenticeship opportunities in Scotland.


Supporting Children and Young People in Challenging Times

East Renfrewshire Educational Psychology Service is delivering three online one-hour parents’ sessions in March. The aim of these will be to explore how Covid has affected how children and young people think, feel and behave, and to discuss ways that you can support your child through the current challenges. The sessions will refer to our Healthier minds website and resources ( and will involve input from partners across East Renfrewshire who support children and young people’s mental wellbeing.

For full details including sessions and how to join click here.

NPFS Learning At Home Nutshell

In Tuesday’s update we mentioned a  “refreshed nutshell” for Learning at Home in Lockdown which  emphasizes the importance of working in partnership with our schools, reaching out to ask for support from them if and when we need it.

Our children are likely to be spending more time online so we need to ensure that they’re safe, happy and resilient while doing so, so please look at our Online Safety and Securing your Device nutshells.

Remembering to protect our own mental health and wellbeing is not easy as “remote learning” can cause tensions and anxiety. Be kind to each other and yourself. We are all doing the best we can under these circumstances.

The Nutshell on Learning At Home to support parents and carers across Scotland is now live and you can find out more here:

The Nutshell is downloadable from our website and signposts parents and carers to appropriate info, resources and guidance – all in one handy place!