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PTA School Uniform Sale Evening Wednesday 15th June 6-8pm

After due consultation with our Parent Forum we are delighted to be in a position to showcase the new optional Tartan Uniform at our Uniform Sale on Wednesday 15th June from 6-8pm in the Street.

In addition to uniform Wee Bear Feet will be bringing school shoes, which can be tried on and either ordered or purchased on the night.

Please come along on Wednesday and support your PTA

10% Commission on all uniform sales goes to the school.”

PTA Chairperson


Eco Garden and Allotments – Volunteers Required

Dear Parent/Carer

Eco Garden and Allotments

The Eco garden and allotments are an excellent resource for our school. The garden provides a stimulating outdoor classroom where children can learn about nature and care for their environment. It supports teaching in curricular areas such as Science. This spring classes have been busy planting, watering and weeding the allotments.

I am writing to ask for parent and child volunteers who would be willing to give up a few hours over the summer holidays to help with weeding and watering the garden and allotments. If you would be available to help please complete the tear off slip below, indicating which weeks would suit you, and return to the school office by Monday 20 June.

Yours sincerely

Jo McGregor

Principal Teacher

Garden and Allotments Request for Help 10 June 16

Walk to School Week/ Park and Stride Launch Week

Beginning on Monday 6th June and until the end of term we will be trialling three park and stride zones around our school.  To celebrate this launch, on Monday at 8.30am badges will be given to the first 10 ‘park and striders’ who successfully spot a member of staff somewhere on each park and stride route. Thank you to Primary 2.6 who made the wonderful badges as part of an enterprise topic.
Zone 1  Hunter Drive – park on Hunter Drive and follow the path; passing the park on your left, turn left and arrive into school using the front entrance.

Zone 2 Paidmyre Road – park anywhere on Paidmyre Road and cross Ayr Road with our crossing patrol. Walk along St. Vigeans Avenue and into school using the back entrance.

Zone 3 Netherplace Road/ Crescent – park anywhere on Netherplace Road or Crescent, walk along Fairweather Place and into school.

This session the JRSO (Junior Road Safety Officers) and our Eco Committee have been working hard to reduce congestion in our car park. We hope that you support our initiative by trying one of our three park and stride zones next week. Please always park responsibly showing respect to residents when using these park and stride zones.

Well done to Arshvir  P6.24, Maria  P4.14 and Umair  P3.10 who were the winners of our Park and Stride Poster Competition. Their winning posters have been made into banners which will displayed in and around the school next week.  Check out the winning designs below.

Thank you for your support

The Eco Committee and JRSO
Park and Stride 1 Park and Stride 2