Tag Archives: Learning

This Week at Hazeldene….

Sports Relief

Everyone has been busy handing in their sponsor forms and money following “Chase the Chick” on Friday 21st March.  To date we have raised in excess of £1800!!  Final figure will be posted next week.


This week the chicks returned to the farm.  Having them at  Hazeldene meant that the children learnt about the life cycle of a chick.  We look forward to seeing chicks again next year.

Staff Changes

Sadly on Friday 28th March we bid farewell to Miss Gervaise and on Monday 31st March to Mrs Gibson.  We will all miss them and have enjoyed having them at Hazeldene.  We wish them all the best for the future and hope they will come back and visit us!

This week at Hazeldene…

Rag Bags
Today our Eco-Committees are meeting to discuss the rag bag recycling scheme. They will be giving a bag to every child to take home which can be filled with

  • All men’s, ladies and children’s clothing
  • Paired shoes (tied together)
  • Handbags, bags, ties & belts
  • Household linen & towels
  • We appreciate all donations and ask that you please do not put old uniforms into the rag bags and hand these in seperately. One of our parents has kindly volunteered to mend these for next year.

    Living Eggs
    Our little chicks are hatching and the children are taking turns to visit each day and watch them grow. This morning when we arrived at nursery seven eggs had now hatched, 3 girl chicks and 4 boys. Ask your child to tell you about meeting the chicks.

    Earth Hour
    Hazeldene is helping to build a brighter future by supporting WWF’s Earth Hour, a spectacular and symbolic global event that focuses the world’s attention on our brilliant planet, and the need to protect it. On 29 March, at 8.30pm, millions of individuals, iconic landmarks, and businesses around the world will switch off their lights for one hour to show they care about our planet. Hazeldene will show their support by switching off the lights and computers for one hour during the nursery day.

    This week at Hazeldene

    We have been taking part in a variety of exciting activities as part of Hats Off For Hazeldene. It has  been wonderful seeing the wide variety of hats the children have brought  in from from home,and have talked with their friends about …. Thank you.

    We are looking forward to a very special delivery next week of” living  eggs”    !!! We will  be watching the little chicks  hatch and then naming and taking care of them.

    Next Friday , as our Sport Relief Fund Raising, we will all be taking part in  “Chase The Chicken” (A 5ft adult version ) around the grass area at the entrance to the estate!!!

    Chick Chick Chick Chick Chicken … Hatch from the egg for ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Fairtrade Fortnight

    During Fairtrade Fortnight we will be focusing on Fairtrade on 24th – 26th February and learning about Foncho the banana farmer. This year the campaign aims to make all bananas fair so we will be enjoying Fairtrade bananas at snack time, making Fairtrade banana smoothies and running a Fairtrade stall. You can read more about the campaign on the link below.

    This week and next week at Hazeldene…

    We have had an exciting week at Hazeldene taking part in lots of activities around our “Jolly Postman” book study. Some children even took part in a very special Japanese tea ceremony with Ethan’s mummy today, as the Jolly Postman loves to have a cup of tea!

    Next week, due to popular demand, we will begin reading the Jolly Christmas Postman…

    Children have started to learn the songs for our Christmas concerts, please help your child to practice at home with their song sheet. Each child may invite two guests to attend the concert and don’t forget to save your pennies for the Christmas market stalls! The dates of the concerts and Christmas parties are as follows:

    Date What’s on AM What’s on PM
    Tue 10th December Blue Groups
    Blue Room 9.30-10.15
    Green Room 10.45-11.30
    Blue Groups
    Blue Room 1.00-1.45
    Green Room 2.00-2.45
    Wed 11th December Green Group
    Blue Room 9.30-10.15
    Green Room 10.45-11.30
    Green Group
    Blue Room 1.00-1.45
    Green Room 2.00-2.45
    Thu 12th December Red Group
    Blue Room 9.30-10.15
    Green Room 10.45-11.30
    Red Group
    Blue Room 1.00-1.45
    Green Room 2.00-2.45
    Fri 13th December Yellow Group
    Blue Room 9.30-10.15
    Green Room 10.45-11.30
    Yellow Group
    Blue Room 1.00-1.45
    Green Room 2.00-2.45
    Wed 18th December Blue Room Party Blue Room Party
    Thu 19th December Green Room Party Green Room Party
    Friday 20th December School Closes 2.30

    Don’t forget children may wear a touch of tartan tomorrow for our St. Andrew’s Day celebrations! Children will be ceilidh dancing and enjoying oatcakes and cheese for snack.

    Next week at Hazeldene…

    • Next week we have two special visitors joining our Woodland Warriors to see all the fun we have in the woods!
    • On Friday 29th November we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day with a touch of tartan and ceilidh fun.
    • We have lots of exciting experiences plan as we continue our book study around ‘The Jolly Postman’ . For special Christmas deliveries, watch this space…!

    Marie Curie Mini Pots of Care

    The nursery has involved the children in supporting the work of Marie Curie Cancer Care. We have recently taken a delivery of daffodil bulbs and pots. The children will each plant a bulb in a pot and will take them home to care for them until they flower in spring time. They will then be asked to bring them in and talk about how they have cared for them and show how they have grown and hopefully flowered! This project is linked to our development of citizenship skills and an awareness of caring for others.

    The nursery school will provide a donation of £100 to Marie Curie Cancer Care. We will also send home a donation leaflet with each child’s mini pot if anyone feels they wish to add a further donation. So good luck, and we will look forward to seeing the fruits of your child’s hard work and caring in the spring.

    We are all great fundraisers at Hazeldene Nursery. Make sure you haven’t missed the previous blog post about our Pudsey Pyjama Party for Children in Need this Friday.

    Next week at nursery

    Our Pre-School parent information meetings will be taking place. Please ensure you have made an appointment on the sheet in the corridor to discuss your child’s progress. Our ante-pre school meetings are due to take place on the week beginning the 18th of November.

    Our Hallowe’en celebrations will take place on Thursday 31st October. We will be dooking for apples, singing Hallowe’en songs and hearing Hallowe’en stories. Each child can have a small hand painting done (if you do not wish this, let staff know) Please remember we do not dress up in fancy dress or wear masks. Instead children and staff are invited to wear something black or orange (e.g. t-shirt, trousers, tights, or hairband), thank you.

    It’s been a busy week!

    Welcome back to nursery, we hope you all had a wonderful October break. There has been lots going on at Hazeldene this week…

    • The Pre-Schoolers have all had their vision screening checks.
    • The children have been voting for names beginning with “B” for the twin bears who will be coming home with a different pre-school child each day. Watch this space to find out their names!
    • Today our Tea, Talk and Topic / Coffee and Chat sessions will be taking place at 10.45am and 2.30pm. Topics for discussion will include, going forward for our Family Friendly Award, Parents’ Commitee, recruiting Santa’s Helpers and in the afternoon the Nursery Psychologist will share information on children’s behaviour. We hope you will join us to meet other parents, share suggestions and ideas and have any questions answered.

    Teddy Bears and Holiday Time!

    The children have enjoyed a wonderful week of learning and fun with our Inter-Disciplinary Learning topic “Two of a Kind / Twa The ‘Gither”. Today the children and their bears have enjoyed a Teddy Bears’ Picnic and don’t forget to ask your child to tell you about the special visitors to the nursery!

    Hazeldene will close this afternoon for the October break and reopen on Monday 21st October. We hope everyone has a lovely holiday, and look forward to hearing the children’s news when they return!

    This is an amazingly bright day !!!

    We are up and running with our……

    BLOG … you can now visit this page to learn more of our daily learning and nursery news.


    Parents “Tea and Topic Sessions”   Please come along to meet other new parents / friends of the nursery. The topic today is “getting it right”. We will also have a question and answer session with staff.

    Today is also “Moon Day” of  Chinese Festivals and Traditions. It celebrates the brightest moon of the year.