This will be a busy week at Hazeldene Nursery School.
Tuesday 19th May – Returners Meetings
These will be held in the Nursery. For AM children the meeting will be at 9.10am and for PM children at 1PM.
Thursday 21st May – Ante Pre-School Dental Inspections
These will be held during your child’s normal nursery session. You should have received a letter informing you of this. If you do not wish your child to have this, and have not already done so, please inform the school office.
Thursday 21st May – Pre-School Nursery Excursion
The children from the GREEN Room will take part in the nursery excursion today! They will travel to either the Transport Museum, Art Gallery or Pollok Park. The children have been purchasing their bus tickets. Further information can be found in your letter. Please ensure consent forms have been handed in or your child will be unable to participate.
Friday 22nd May – Monday 25th May – May Weekend Holiday
Nursery will be closed on the above dates for the May Holiday Weekend. Please also note that Tuesday 26th May is an in-service day and nursery will re-open as usual on Wednesday 27th May.
Thank You