Woodland Dates

Woodland Warriors Groups will start on the 24th February 2016, and will continue from February up to the end of May. We will provide waterproof suits but you will need to ensure that your child has appropriate footwear such as wellingtons or walking boots, warm socks, gloves, a scarf and a warm hat or sunhat as the weather requires it. Please ensure you mark shoes and items of clothing with your child’s name. 

Please note that Woodland Warriors dates are weather dependant, and if a date is cancelled due to Health & Safety concerns, then it will not be replaced with another date.

Dates are as follows:


Woodland Dates


Wednesday Dates

Thursday Dates




24th February


27th April


10th March




16th March


4th May


25th February




2nd March


23rd March


11th May




30th March


18th May


3rd March




9th March


20th April


25th May


 You will receive letters and consent forms shortly.  Please fill out your consent form and hand in to the Family Centre office as soon as possible to enable your child to participate.

Thank You