Holiday Play Scheme Dec 16/Jan 17


Dec/Jan Play Scheme 2016/17 

Dec/Jan Play Scheme will be running at HAZELDENE FAMILY CENTRE on the dates and times highlighted below:-

Thurs 22nd December (9-4), Fri 23rd December (9-2), Wednesday 4th January 2017 (9-4)

The Family Centre is open between 0900 – 1600 (only until 2pm on Friday 23rd December) and parents may purchase as many sessions as they wish during the dates and times above.   The costs are as follows:-

Morning session                      9am to 12pm   £13.80

Lunch                                             12pm to 1pm   £4.60

Afternoon session                   1pm to 4pm     £13.80                                    (only up to 2pm on Friday 23rd December)

Please note: If you wish your child to stay until 2pm on Friday 23rd December, they may do so however the full afternoon session will be chargeable.

If you would like to book a place in the play scheme for your child please complete the booking form attached and return it to HAZELDENE FAMILY CENTRE.  Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

The closing date for returning forms is Friday 2nd December. Due to the level of planning and organisation required, we will not be able to accept any late forms. 

PLEASE NOTE: All hours booked will be charged whether child attends or not. You will be billed via invoice from East Renfrewshire Council.

