Distance Learning – Day 30

Day 2 of Lego Week and you are still sharing amazing work with me. Following on from yesterday’s amazing Lego build movies, today I set you the task of creating your own Lego stop-animation movie inspired by the original Lego Movie.

This was my attempt at animating the Knight bus scene in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Thank you to the pupils you gave me this set as a gift. 😁

Kara has been developing her digital skills by using stop-animation to animate her Lego. You may need to turn up your volume as the voice-over is quite quiet. Fantastic job!

Lea has also submitted her stop-animation movie.

Also, our Literacy lesson today was developing characters for story writing and storytelling after studying the Lego Movie trailer. The children were asked to create their own Lego minifigure character by considering their personality and physical traits.

Lewis has created this very apt for the time minifigure character, Social Distance Bot who cannot abide rule breakers.

Jamie has created a military-inspired character called Captain Camo.

Ibrahim has created a character called Andre.

Finally, Lea has created a fierce and strong character with superpowers called Luna.