Distance Learning- Day 29

Due to lockdown, Mearns Primary was not able to host its annual Sports Day which is a huge shame as it is a chance for us all to get together as a larger school community. Determined not to be deterred, we organised and hosted our own back garden games that have collated in this P623 Sports Day video.  I hope it goes some way in keeping us connected until we can be together again.

I wanted to apologise to Jamie because, although he held his own sports day and shared a photo with me, I wasn’t able to include it in the final video. It is an excellent collage photo but it gave me some technical problems. I didn’t want to leave it out as it is a great photo so I’m sharing it here along with a few additional photos.

I’ve used the Pic Collage app before and I highly recommend it for linking photos together and creating themed photo collections. Well done Jamie!

This a great photo of Lucy and her family competing in a three-legged race.

Wint held an egg and spoon race with her family.

Another egg and spoon race with Ibrahim and his family.

Today is the first day of Lego Week. I love Lego and I know most of you do too. What I most love about Lego is its versatility. You can do almost anything with Lego and hopefully this week you can prove me right.

One of the first tasks I asked you to do is to record yourself doing a Lego build. This is Alex’s Lego build movie of his Star Wars inspired vehicle. I particularly like his commentary on this video. Well done Alex.

This is Lea’s Lego build movie using a mixture of tradition Lego and Lego Friends.

Finally, we have Hasan’s movie of a Lego Ferrari racing car build. He really challenged himself here using video editing tools, transitions and background music. Great job!