Distance Learning – Days 6 and 7

Sorry I haven’t posted as regularly as I have been, but I was working in school on Monday and yesterday I have been experiencing problems with my broadband service at home ( bad timing!)

Lewis and Aatish have been trying the Try for 10! game with the playing cards in your Home Learning pack. It is not as easy as it sounds but Aatish is doing well in the photo above. One more move and you’re done!

Here is Ibrahim and Wint’s solutions for yesterday’s Countdown challenge. Great job! Remember to challenge your family and friends too.

On Monday, I put a question up on Google classrooms asking the children if they had done anything kind for someone over the weekend. Again, I put their responses into a WordArt and as you can see below, family feature heavily in their response.  I hope that everyone is keep happy and healthy during these unprecedented times, and I sure we will all come through this if we keep looking after each other.

Keep sharimng uyour photos with me and I will endeavour to post them here. Thank you Alesha for sharing this with me, it did make me smile.

Delisha has also been busy baking and decorating these lovely cakes.