Santa Selfies

We read the story “Santa Selfie” about what happened when Santa went on holiday.  He was mobbed by people who wanted a selfie taken with him!  We got our own selfies taken with Santa!

The Unexpected – Child Led Learning

Sometimes lessons appear out of nowhere.  The children lead the learning and Mrs Arbuckle thinks of a good lesson to allow us to understand about something new.

Last week, one child brought in a piece of lava rock.  We looked at it under the digital microscope.  This led to discussions about volcanoes  (live and extinct) and why they erupt.  Mrs Arbuckle made a chemical reaction bicarbonate soda, Fairy Liquid (it adds to the effect) and vinegar.   As the vinegar reacts with the bicarb, it causes a reaction and it all pour up and out like a volcano.  It didn’t smell too good, though- just like real volcanoes.  We watched clips of volcanoes erupting and watched how the lava travels at great speed.

Snow Boots

Lots of children came to school in wellies or snow boots and we all changed into our gym shoes in class, so that we didn’t put snow on our carpet.  (We play and sit on it, so it wouldn’t be too good if it was wet!)  We put a peg on our wellies to keep them together.  It is good to wear boots to go out and play in the snow.  Feet get cold and wet in shoes.

Santa Letters

Our challenge was to write to Santa and only ask for two things – presuming that we had been good all year! Some people managed to sneak in three requests and some only wanted to ask for one particular thing.

The letters are currently in quarantine before going home this week.

Inventor Of The Day – Paul Cornu

Paul Cornu invented the first flying helicopter.  It didn’t travel very far and it was very dangerous.  In 1939, Igor Sikorsky developed the helicopter and his design was used in WW2.

We were very excited to make our own helicopters and we flew them first in class, then we flew them from the balcony in the Street.  they flew really well.  A helicopter template is on Google Classroom for the children to make and fly at home.


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